64°/ Odd Acquaintances

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How is the family doing?????

Okay, y'all should use this one and hold yourself ehh. Hopefully, if I have time, I'll update again tommorow ♥️


If I didn't know better, I'd say that Dabeluchi had completely erased me from her life.

But I knew better. So, I knew that there was no way she could possibly do that.

However, no matter how hard I tried, I could not understand why she would just leave without saying anything to me. That made me feel very uneasy and I didn't know what to make out of it.

I could not even begin to elaborate the magnitude of the whiplash I felt on my back when I had come back downstairs only to realise that she was actually gone earlier today.

Recalling it gave me shivers.

"Wait here," I had told her. Begged her. Held her hands in mine as desperately as ever and pleaded with her with my eyes. "Wait here and I will find a way to get my Mum to be alone, so we can talk."

All Dabeluchi did was stare at me and say nothing, and there was a thousand words in her eyes that I painfully could not even read. It scared me a little. There was that fear and uncertainty that was ever lingering in the pit of me and it was like I knew before hand. I felt it deep in me that there was a possibility that that was going to be the last time that I was ever going to see her....

So, overwhelmed, and desperately so, I pleaded with her like my life depended on it, "Don't go, please. Just stay here. I promise we'll find something to do for you."

And tearing my hands away from hers felt intense. So intense. Too intense, and almost unbearably painful. Like I was ripping out my own heart right off my chest with my own bare hands.

For a moment, it seemed like my soul had left me and come back, but I did not pay attention to the forces that wrecked my system and threatened to pull me down to the earth. All that was on my mind was making sure that she was going to be okay in the end.

With a speed that shocked me, I ran up the fleet of stairs with urgency in my bones and with each steps I jumped over, it was like I was running through blades.

I was not sure what hurt me more. Was it the uneasiness that I felt in me concerning Dabi or was it the invisible open wounds that only bruised more and more with each fiery step I jumped - Open wounds from my father's words. Wounds that tore past the thick pound of flesh I used as a shield and tore deep into my soul, spread out through every part of me and turned the area where I knew my heart was supposed to be - a heart that I had ripped out for Dabeluchi - into a hollow space of sourness and agony.

Mum and Dad were at loggerheads with each other by the time that I had gotten to them. I wasn't even sure how to feel. I hated to see them fight and never ever had I heard them get at each other the way they did now.

Having that the house was huge enough, it would take a voice as loud as seventy to be heard across. And I was just there, by Muna's room, a floor under the Masters Bedroom and I could hear my parents at full volume.

I could hear them down t every word, every lash out of thunder in my father's voice as he bellowed at her in defence, and every break in Mum's voice as she screamed at back him in all sorts of accusations, and it broke
me to hear her sound like that. It destroyed me.

Mum had always appealed to me as someone who was strong, and no matter what life threw at her, she stood firm and never broke. But as she  screamed at my father, I coul hear the pain in her voice. Pain that shattered me by every minute I listened. The cracks in her voice were like glasses, pricking the hollowness within me, and I could tell that she was seconds away from breaking down into tears.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now