24a°/ Social Suicide

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Soooooo Sorry!!!! But better late than never, aye?

To make up for being sooooo late, but if it makes up, there will be a second update either tonight or tomorrow. Had to divide this chapter into two.



"You didn't sleep last night."

I snapped out of my reverie, literally jolted myself back to earth, and drew myself back to the bitter present reality.


"Dabeluchi." Ebere called my name, looked up from her phone, and straight at me. Ebube, who sat at my other side, bore unimpressed eyes into the back of my head, as I looked at her sister by my right, her stare, unwavering.

I cleared my throat, sat up straight, and looked around the partly noisy class that was filled my classmates, making a fair amount of noise, and I would have asked why we weren't having any classes, then it occurred to me that it was a free period, and also, the one millionth time I had zoned out that morning.

For some reason, it felt like I had been walking on clouds since the day that Marcus Acha came to my dance class... Since that whole night it all happened. It was quickly becoming a new source of escape for me, the peaceful feeling of that night, I mean.

And a petty side of me went through that tweet again, and mentally threw shades and 'in your face!' and 'that will show you!' to whoever it was who tweeted that, and literally insinuated that I wasn't worth any guy who actually makes sense. Worth any guy who they had termed as 'Worthy'. Worth any guy who was placed highly in the Social radar.

Well; Joke's on them.

Marcus Acha of all people dragged himself to my dance class. And basically made up my entire night afterwards. 

So, they were wrong.

Although, a part of me, that insecure part of me that always sort to bring me down, kept screaming at me to watch my back.... What if his intentions aren't as sweet as I was thinking?

Bullshit. I always turned the thought down.

Everything about that night was true and real. And thinking about it was what I couldn't stop doing.

The euphoria of that experience, the calm, the warmth, it was too much for me to contain. Every time I recalled that Saturday Night, it was like I was setting myself into, immersing myself back into the peace of that night, getting high with the tranquillity, and that feeling of high seemed to actually overwhelm me, taking over the inside of my chest, stopping and dropping my heart for a moment, and in turn, spreading those chills and goosebumps round through out my entire body.

When I say that words do not even do justice to it, I kid you not.

And then, Marcus Acha had texted again last night, and I was so happy.

 We texted. And texted. And texted. And texted. And texted. For so long. Too long, maybe. 

"You didn't sleep at all," Ebere noted, as she thoroughly scanned my face. "It's obvious."

"Seconded," Ebube whipped, behind me.

I started to get a bit self conscious all of a sudden.

"Stop, you look great." Ebere cleared up immediately, casually noticing my sudden discomfort.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now