31°/ Runaway

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Update came early? Looks like it!😂♥️ 

Expect a double update tomorrow!!!

(Song for this chapter is Runaway by Aurora🌛)


The dining room looked very 'extra' tonight.

Apparently, I didn't know there was a special occasion. It had to be a special occasion, because I could see a lot of flowers and gifts on the dining room table, all decorated beautifully like we were having the queen over for dinner.

And apparently so, the entire house was filled with the aroma of Jollof rice too, one that was yet to still be set on the table.

And the person responsible for all of this was Dad.

Yes, you read correctly.

My father was cooking and setting up the table, so beautifully.

Funny story is that I don't remember Dad ever actually cooking since I was a kid. Then one day, he suddenly enters the Kitchen and whips up something that good. I only wondered what have him such inspiration.

However, it didn't take long for me to understand why it was happening, though.

When I went to the living room to pick up my phone, I managed to get a glimpse of one, out of the dozens of cards that were supposed to be on the dining room table, laying carelessly on the living room floor.

My first move was to attempt to return it to Dad, but on accidentally getting a glimpse of the heading of this card, I stopped, and realised....

It was an apology card.

I instantly understood what my Dad was trying to do.

I looked at the pretty card in my hand; orange in colour, and designed with flowers and the words 'I'M SORRY' in bold, and I actually somewhat felt bad for my Dad. His entire motive became clearer to me.

I looked to the man as he still seemed busy making the perfect apology dinner and for a split second, he didn't scare me. I wasn't seeing my father. At least, not the one that scared me. I was just seeing a sad, aging man..... 

I looked to the sofa that had been his bed since yesterday night. Saw how he had already spread a mattress on it, and arranged some pillows on it. 

I actually felt horrible for him.

Until he caught me staring at me.

I stepped back, taken a bit off-guard. All empathy I was feeling was immediately replaced with panic.

Dad stopped what he was doing. Completely stopped everything, and just looked at me.

"Sorry." I wasn't even sure what I was apologising for.

He said absolutely nothing. Watched me, still. Moved his gaze from my face to the card in my hands, and back to my face once more. Stared at me so impassively, keeping that blank stare on me, and making my heart race faster and faster.

And then, for a split second, I saw something flash in his eyes. A softness. Something as soft as empathy... Or guilt?

Nah, I must be running mad.

The man looked away from me. Didn't answer me or say anything more to me. Looked away like it didn't matter, and just continued what he was doing.

I didn't give him the card back. I took it along with me, and made my way to the Masters Bedroom to give it to the person who I was certain the apology was for.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now