18°/ Escalated

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Mad oo! I updated? Na mistake? 😂😂E shock you abi? Lmaoooo!!!!

I forgot to thank you guys for 15k reads, chop kiss biko!!!

Oh, and please hang on after the chapter for an important announcement!!!


I finally saw my neighbour's face.

And boy, I fought against a panic attack, but to no avail.

Oh, Lord. I pray you my soul to keep.


Figures I should have known he was the one.

I had caught glimpses of his hair. That somewhat odd colour it possessed,  that dirty blonde colour of the tips of his hair. One that wasn't normal for a regular Nigerian boy. I should have figured it was him all along.

And now, just tell me how. HOW am I supposed to live in peace when one of the most popular guys in school, literally lives next door and is going to consistently witness everything that goes on in this house?! How?!

I just knew he was going to use this against me, I could only imagine how extreme he would go. As Mum had said for a fact, his father was in some sort of connection with mine, so the last thing on my mind was trusting this neighbour classmate.

"You good, Dabz?"

Chika's voice snapped me back into the land of the living.

And honestly, for a split second, I found it hard deciphering where exactly I was...

Until I did..

Soma's bedroom. Or as she loved to call it - Somadina's magical kingdom.

I had been too deep in my thoughts to even remember the fact that I was physically here, right in the midst of a discussion on 'Metals and their compounds' the sisters' sprung up, all in the name of finishing up a Chemistry assignment that was due Tuesday morning, the following week.

"You look lost." Chika who laid on her tummy, right next to me on Soma's SpongeBob Duvet, whipped her head to me, dropping her pen in the middle of her Chemistry notebook. "Any problem?"

Soma and the twins completed the circle we formed, the twins laying the same way Chika did, and Soma, who like me, sat with legs folded against one another like a child, looked up next to me from her over-exaggerated, massive calculator, blinking those big eyes of hers at me, and pausing even bigger lips in more curiosity.

The twins followed up next, raising their heads up at the exact same time, casually fixing their fat ball point pens behind their ears, and narrowing their pretty eyes, watching me, silently.

I wasn't even sure how to answer at this point.

So much spotlight...

"Nothing, I'm just really tired, I need to rest," I answered.

Chika looked unconvinced.

"Aww, we understand Lulu. It really is exhausting," Soma was quick to answer me immediately.

I laughed nervously, low-key thanking the stars I was able to easily avoid talking to them about the real issue at hand. My new neighbour.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now