66°/ Mind Manipulation and Dirty Traitors

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Hello, family! Who missed me???

Sorry for the delay oo. Omoh. These last few days have been sooooo chokingg. But I'm here now❣️


"No bloody way. Our classmates would troll me to my grave if they saw me in this."

Shaking my head for about the hundredth time that night and adamantly refusing to see the good in the outfit that Chika had scavenged her entire wardrobe and her younger sister's just for me that Tuesday morning.

"Come on, Dabi, you have to settle with something," Chika said to me and no matter how calm she tried her best to sound, I could see that she was a bit frustrated by me.

I didn't want to frustrate her. But, what else could I have done? I didn't like the Tuesday Sports Outfits that she had picked out for me to wear to school today.

Having no other place to stay, I had talked Chika into letting me stay with her for the night, and clearly, I had no idea what my destination from her house was going to be, but one day at a time. For now, I was under her roof. Confined in the four walls of her white walled room, with my companions being the dozens of posters of legendary boxers, famous wrestlers, and renowned female activists whose eyes, from the pictures, bore holes into my body, and the uncountable number of boxing gloves and punching bags that hung around the corner of the large spaced room.

Unfortunately, I had to wear her clothes too.

Don't get me wrong; Chika had an amazing dress sense. One of the best that I knew about. But as much as I loved to watch her in her Hailey-Beiber-going-to-the-gym type fashion. 

It wasn't me.

And maybe, I could manage the hoodies that were dark and not bright, and pass on on the multiple of them that Chika had voluntarily cut to look like it was cropped, and maybe, I could try the cargo sweatpants that were loose and baggy just like my style, but Chika was not my perfect size and she had too much a thick slim thick figure and the most protruding and insane hips, so it was very difficult keeping her cargo sweats on my waist.

And the hoodies were a no go. Most of them were cropped and the ones that weren't were white in colour. I didn't like the colour white. It got stained too easily.

And god forbid me wearing those ripped slim jeans. I would rather eat grass.

"I really do not think you should give a damn what our classmates think. You look great," Chika said to me.

Looking great was not the issue. Whether I looked great or not, I didn't know and didn't care that much. I was just afraid I would get mocked for stepping into school, overdoing.

It was a school sports day. And we had a dress code in Castron High. And just because were were in Ss3 and thereby, had the freedom to alter the plain short sleeved white shirt and grey shorts that were the usual uniforms into our personal style and taste did not mean that I could overdo it and wear..... This.

After countless trials and failures, Chika had resorted to her old tracksuits and I pleaded in the negative, feeling like I would show up looking too abstract and different, and just off point. Basically overdoing this uniform branding thing with the dark tracksuit that Chika gave me - one that looked nothing like the School Sport's uniform.

"It's okay, really," She assured me. "It is just for one day. Our classmates wear worse. Our boys wear the most abstract things like hoodies and spandex, and our half our set girls look like American high school cheerleaders with those really little dresses they wear on Tuesdays and Thursdays—"

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now