53c°/ Nightlife and Pillow-talk

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So, guys, first off, thank you for 56+ k reads, and each day, we are closer to 60k!❤️❤️ Secondly, if you aren't aware, I am currently doing a collaboration with Donaldprince. And my characters and his' are having crossover that you do not want to miss! However, we are not currently in the same timeline, and for all those whom it may concern, Donald is currently  in the timeline of TLT where they left for that Sports Competition that was a week to their WASSCE- and now, it's okay if you don't remember it, because it wasn't detailed much in TLT, because Giwa didn't go for it....

But, remember, when Ivandor came back from a Sports Competition, and Giwa went to meet him in class where she tried to apologise and shii.... Yeah, that 'Sports Competition' is Nero Olympics that Donald I'd writing about now!✨

If you haven't read TLT, that's okay, we still have a mile to go from her before we can get to the NERO Sports Competition, and it's all going to be in the book 2 of TMBT, so stay tuned!❤️❤️❤️


So far, so good.

The night turned out to not be as disastrous as I expected it to be.

And soon after the Carol was over, The Sisters and I were all trooping out of the building that was the great Hall, and headed for Soma's car, with arms over each other in a waist hug as we laughed and laughed and laughed together, at the smallest, not-so-funny, but not-entirely-cringy jokes that Soma was telling us.

It really wasn't so bad.

The night was cold, and the environment was rowdy and full. People were here and there; Adults spoke with each other and I made myself believe they were teachers and parents, and considering there was a kid or two or more in mostly all of those kind of sects, I figured I wasn't wrong after all.

The most I could make out of the environment of Dowman Primary School is the number of street lights that were all around the entire place, and even if I couldn't get a day view of the place, I could tell that it should have been an elite School. I wasn't surprised, I mean, with the loud, prideful mouths the parents had back there in the hall, the school should have been something to brag about, right?

I did enjoy the night life theme the lighting gave the place. The entire surrounding around looked a bit like a country road, with the 'pedestrian walk' - at the two sides of the dark, coal tarred road path in between - filled up with a lot of neatly trimmed grasses. However, with those street lights, fancy, artificial Christmas trees, and expensive looking cars all littered around there, it was sure to give it a more modern theme.

Having that there had always been something so pretty and euphoric about night time, the entire place didn't fail to give the vibes. Everything felt right. And as Soma told a fancy story about Castles and thrones, the twins chipping in meaningless fillers into her story to act along, and Chika laughing her ass off at everything, I couldn't help, but smile at how happy everyone was tonight.

"Oh! That's Daddy!" Ebere squealed, once we had all spotted a car that looked just like the Twin's dad's range rover, and with a few excited words here and there, the girl and her twin had disappeared and ran towards the car.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now