28°/ Trouble with my old man

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I am so sorry for the length of this chapter in advance 😢 But oh well, maybe it makes up for all the time I wasn't here💔

I am actually sick, but had to make this one ready and I don't have strength to review and look for what to trim or cut down, cause this chapter is pretty deep, so we'll go with the flow, I guess.


I disappointed my father again.

He found out. I'd tried my best to keep it a secret from him, but he found out.

And this Saturday morning, when I overheard his conversation with Mr. Ado over the phone, all the way from the living room. His deep, deep voice was bellowing and resounding, round the large living room, confirming the news he had heard about me, and I thought I was going to die of absolute shame for him.

I don't even know which felt worse; The fact that I had let him down again, or the fact that I would have to face another round of word crucifixion from him.

The entire Saturday, I had refused to leave my room. It had been nearly hours since I had been holding my hand to my chest, tightly, feeling my heartbeat speeding by the second, and trying to take in deep breaths to calm myself down. To assure myself it'll be fine.

It worked to a small extent, but the fact that panic - the worst kind of it- was about to set me off into another terrible dimension was something I couldn't control.

Maybe I could just stay in this room forever? I don't know. The fact that Dad had already found out.... That was enough to make me lose my peace.

It was in the middle of my breathing exercise that Mum sashayed into my room, whistling in all her obliviousness, and heading straight towards my closet, without a care in the world.

I would have asked what she was doing if only I didn't know.

The woman who seemed to be into whatever harmony she was whistling, completely and totally acting like I wasn't in existence, having a near panic attack on my bed in which I sat on, opened my wardrobe without permission, and casually started to search through my clothes like she owned them.

I sat down there, watching all the hoodies that I had very well properly arranged, flying around in the air and landing onto my bed, the ground, everywhere.

"Mum-" I wanted to call out to her, but the whistling, happy lady flung a stray black hoodie into the air in wild, reckless abandon - one that landed on my face, effectively cutting me off whatever I wanted to say.

I took the thick clothing away from my face and sighed. I was certain that today, this woman was going to rob me of every hoodie I ever had.

"Oh, perfect!" She said delightfully as she got a hold of one pink hoodie, out of the multitudes she had thrown all around the place.

Yeah, you can arrange my closet back now? I wanted to say to her, but I held that thought.

She was quick to put on the hoodie, admire how bogus and cute it looked on her, and inhale the scent of cologne that spread through the air around her from it, clearly impressed.

"And it smells so good too!" She informed me with wide eyes. Like she didn't know it was my hoodie.

She was quick to find her companion; The Vanity Mirror in my room. And as she stood there, admiring herself from head to toe, smiling in approval at how good my pink hoodie looked on her, along side the white tee and tight jeans she was having on.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now