59°/ Total Vulnerability

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I'm here as promised 🌝❤️

Whose ready for this one?💀


"You're off to somewhere?"

I had barely gotten my hands on the Living Room door knob when Mama Acha's voice came behind me, stopping me in the process.

And as a matter of fact, I was off to somewhere.

"Uhh... Yeah.." I murmured audible, awkwardly, as I turned back around to face the woman who was slowly walking down the stairs, observing me with confused frown of her pretty face.

Well, she ought to be confused. I mean, it was barely minutes after 9pm, and we had just come back from her Church's evening program, and there I was, trying to sneak out of the house.

"Where to?" She walked closer, asked.

"My friend's house," I answered her, truthfully, "Well, I.. err.. I wanted to spend the night there, and come back in the morning."

Mama Acha looked at me as if I had gone crazy.

"By this time of the night?" She exclaimed, "And you're going alone, Dabi?"

"Not, not alone," I clarified, "They're picking me up, so I'm not going alone."

I deliberately did not mention that I was walking by myself all the way to Wonder Coast Junction where the Twins were picking me up to Soma's house.

With the way Mama Acha was behaving, I figured that was a delicate piece of information to chip in. So I didn't.

"Oh," She nodded, slowly understanding, "And what about Marc? Why didn't you just ask him to drive you there?"

This woman didn't even understand.

"I don't want to stress him," I told Mama Acha.

That was a lie. Nothing would have stopped me from asking Marc to drive me there and stop a distance away from the junction so the twins wouldn't see him, but honestly, the only reason I didn't ask him was because just as much as he was actively not talking to me, I was not talking to him either.

Since what happened and all through out Church, Marcus actually wasn't talking to me, for real, and I didn't fully understand why he was being so dramatic. And if he wasn't going to say anything to me, then, I wouldn't force him. So, there was absolutely no need telling him I was leaving the house.

"So, wait...." Mama Acha backed up in the slightest, "If I didn't see you, you would have left the house without telling me or Marcus where you are going? You know that caused a lot of trouble for us last time you did that?"

There was a hint of offence registered on her face, ever so slightly. And for a moment, I actually felt bad and realized that it wasn't the right thing to do afterwards. 

I mean, I remembered the last time and it was still the same Soma's house. We had to turn off our phones to avoid distractions, and I was told that I was basically unreachable. And you know the worst part? At the moment, my phone was a whooping 5%.

"Marc isn't talking to me." I told Mama Acha the truth.

That seemed to take her off-guard.

"He's been giving me the silent treatment all evening," I reported to his mother.

Just because I did not allow him to kill somebody's child.

Mama Acha looked very surprised to hear that, and the furrowing of her brows and creasing of the fine, aging lines of her forehead that I had only but noticed until tonight, made me understand that she was also baffled to hear such a thing.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now