60°/ The whole truth

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So, I wasn't supposed to update today, but because I was just reasoning how cool it would have been to have an update ready, I was just pushed to do thissss!

So, guy, if you noticed....

Today is the 10th of February!

And you know what this day is??? It's TMBT's anniversary!😩🔥🔥🔥🔥

It still feels unreal to me that we have actually come a year and we are so close to 70k reads on that note, it's surreal! Thank you so much to everyone who stuck with me from the 10th of February till this marked day, and even the ones who joined the train after that day, and are still here today. ALL OF YOU ARE SPECTACLES! NOW, PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEAD AND SAY TO YOURSELF "I AM A SPEC!" LOOK AT YOU!!🔥🔥🔥🔥

Okay, let me drink water and calm down...😂

Alright, I'm back to normal...

And without much further Ado, I give you permission to proceed and devour the mind blowing contents of this unexpected chapter!🍷🍷🍷


I watched Chika and watched her and watched her and watched her...

And then, she told us in five words that completely obliterated our senses and sent us into stupefied shock. Gave us a thunderbolt out of the damn blue.

"Soma is an addict."

The whole room was cold like it had dropped a temperature that was beyond human survival, and the air was still and quiet, as we all stared at Soma as though she had suddenly grown three heads in a second.


I tried to speak, but it was hard to let out more than that one word for the longest amount of time. No matter how much I tried, it just felt like the words were lodging there in my throat, unable to pass through.

I looked to Soma who had not gotten her face up, it stayed there, buried in her palms, as her shoulders quaked and her body shook in what I had supposed was immense shame.

I looked back at Chika, and waited for her to tell me this was just a prank.

But Chika Chioma did not seem to be joking one bit about what she revealed to us.

"I-I don't understand," I stammered so pathetically.

Chika looked to me and although there was understanding in her eyes for my shock, she said not a word more, and just like the rest of us, she stayed quiet and absorbed the whole silence in the room.

"What kind of addict?" I asked softly.

Chika was about to speak, but Soma gently put a hand out to stop her from doing so. It seemed to me like she was ready to take the mic from Chika, and I was ever happy to hear it all from straight from the horse's mouth.

Slowly, Soma moved her head up to me and I tried not to wince at how red her large, brown eyes looked, her intense the under of her eyes glared a dark hue that I had only but noticed, and how swollen from tears her entire face was.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now