33b°/ Wonder Coast II

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Carry on if you're on track....


I couldn't believe Marcus was making me do this.

The intro of DTF by Ckay started and Marcus was urging me to come with him, holding me gently and stylishly bringing me to the stage as the strangers around us were blowing up our heads with the loudest screams and cheers I'd ever seen in my life.

Oh my God.

Marcus smiled encouragingly and as soon as the first verse started, he spinned me around, whispered a 'go' to me, and let me take the wheel first.

Hesitantly, I let myself loose, and let the slow tempo and rhythm of the song literally control my body and my movements. I had barely even started and Marcus' eyes told it all that he was already getting impressed. The talented dancer girl who was previously dancing stopped to watch me, a dainty smile on her lips like she was just observing and could tell my potential, and the kinky haired boy was just hailing with the others, with this carefree nonchalance.

See feelings get messy now...

Its the last thing that we need now...

Their reactions encouraged me as well as the cheers from the others and I decided to completely let myself free and immerse myself into the song, moving to every beat, every tempo, matching its soft rhythm, literally putting my entire being into it and giving off close to my best.

As expected, the crowd burst into a damn mad house. These people sounded like they were about to run mad.

I wasn't myself at this point, and I wasn't just dancing this song, the song was dancing me too. I hadn't been in Dance Class for a while, but this joy made up for the missed days. I actually didn't want the song to end.

Ouu, give it to me...

Nobody have to know that you give it to me...

It was at the second repetition of that part of the song that I felt a shadow behind me and I was quick to realise that Marcus had joined me, efficiently syncing my dance with me.

The crowd could have screamed Wonder Coast into an apocalypse. These people were CRAZY!

"You're doing great," Marcus said to me.

"And so are you," I genuinely complimented back.

He did surprise me, though. The first time we had danced together, I hadn't had a chance to appreciate him well enough, but I could proudly say he wasn't a bad dancer. Not even close.

It was at the chorus that the boy and girl who we had temporarily stole the show from joined me and Marcus and the crowd was nearly tearing off their clothes. We danced with these strangers and it felt like I had known them forever.

The talented dancer girl and I practically took sequence in choosing how the sync went. For a while, it would be me that the others were trying to sync, and other times, it was the girl, who called the shots. Our uniform was mind blowing and everyone could agree so, because the crowd may have doubled its size.

Some where in between the bridge of the song, I suddenly wondered why Marcus had taken off his face mask and changed his clothing to the same white top under a patterned shirt style fashion the other guy was wearing, as well as the same ripped jeans, and sneakers...

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now