94°/ Could make your life a Living Hell if I wanted to.

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Omoh, you people have tried sha. I'm sorry, I always tell myself I will not delay on updates, but it keeps happening. E go be. I will keep trying to keep updates steady, but this thing is not in my control anymore. My life is now too unpredictable. (Insert smiling tear drop emoji)

Nonetheless, following the last chapter, I wanted to hear your thoughts on what is going on, and how much you rely on Dabi's narrative enough to be certain that Chika is the villain. I want to hear all of it. And, please, no fights in the comments. Healthy debates, only. Thank youuu.☺️👍🏾

Okay, so um, I love the song attached to this chapter though, because it really reflects this chapter so well omghasaahagaarfstss! The video is up there, and just as the name of the chapter, its called 'Living Hell' by Bella Poarch. Enjoy! I think you will get the gist of the song choice as you proceed to read this chapter. Hehe. 😂

Now, let's get into this one without more waste of time. We good? Good? Good.

{A.k.a Daddy}

Right there, in the pile of broken furniture and scattered clothes, I caught a glimpse of that familiar looking pyjama trouser, that belonged to the boozed, drunk fellow who laid beneath the pile, slurring curses and the names of two people, over and over again.


And fucking Dabeluchi.


And stupid Dabeluchi.


And dead Dabeluchi.

Over and over again, the names repeated.

However, that glass of Vodka in his hands never left the register of my eyes, as I analyzed who it was, in that pile, slurring my name and the name of my girlfriend, whom, in even in his state of drunkenness, wished death upon;

Sean Ayomide.


It all made more sense now. It was as though the moment that my eyes had caught sight of him, in the state he was in, watching the raw vileness in those dark, drunken eyes of his', the primal resentment, absolutely barbaric abhorrence that rolled out with his words when he said Dabeluchi's name, it all made sense to me.

He pronounced the name of the girl I loved as if it were raw vinegar in his mouth.

I could only watch him in my silence, thinking about how devious he had to become, how much evil he had to let take over him, to decide that he wanted to hurt my girlfriend. There was never any reason I had, in the past, to be this particularly angry with Sean.

However, as I heard him swear profanities on Dabeluchi's name, wishing something as sinister as death on her; as I started putting two and two together, starting from the accident that happened with Gadhafi to everything Kelechi had told me about the entire plot originally being a weapon fashioned against my Aurora, that was about to change. 

Needless to say, I felt nothing...

Nothing but a loathing, scathing resentment for Sean Ayomide.

I couldn't believe I could hate him this much. Shit, I didn't even know that I could have it in me to hate him this much. But, fuck it,  as I stood there watching him, what I felt was too dark, too deranged a feeling to call it 'hate'; the only thing on my mind was to reach out towards him, grab onto his shirt and smash my fists into it, over and over and over again, until I was goddamn satisfied. Until his blood and skin were drenched over my knuckles, and that sickening urge of resentment within me was fucking pacified.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now