16°/ Deeper

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My loves, I don show ooo!!!!

This chapter is dedicated to Talkmarie11 ❤️❤️


My head was under water.

No, literally.

My head was literally under water.

My father was drowning me.

It started when I saw him strangling the life out of her, and she couldn't breathe. She was struggling, struggling and struggling, thrashing all around against his assault, but the monster wouldn't let go.

I charged him.

I charged him like I was posessed.

But it didn't go so well...

The next second, my head, as well as my mum's head, were plunged deep into a pool. And our struggling and fighting were useless against his strong hands that forced and kept us deep in water, suffocating us, drowning us.

My heart was constricting painfully. My lungs were filling up with all the water I was swallowing against my will. My vision was distorted terribly as I tried to make out everything from underwater. The sensation of not being able to breathe no matter how desperately you try was the worst thing ever.

Just imagine. Imagine not being able to breathe no matter how hard you try. You try to scream but you're gagging water, swallowing more, and no matter how high you scream, your voice is unheard. It just comes out in form of muffled sounds, and the only thing that responds to you are the pathetic, useless bubbles that pop above you.

All strength started to leave me slowly....

I knew I was dying.

He wanted to kill me.

My mum had long given up on her own fight, and she stayed still, not moving in his hold. A poorly crafted vision of her underwater made me see that she had given up... Completely.

Was she...

God forbid!

A distorted image of my father from above the water made him appear with horns, and when sharp pointed claws like Delilah's nails dug into my neck painfully, drawing blood, I panicked.

Was I seeing thing...? And feeling things..?

Is this how it is to die...?

I found myself lacking all the energy to move.. All the strength was gone from me, and I started to accept my fate.

The last thing I saw before my eyes closed shut was my twin brother, Stephen.

He was in the water with us...

But not a part of my dad's assault.

He was at a distant part of the river, at the bottom most part of it, laying there.

His body was dead... But his eyes were wide open and alert.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now