80°/ Believe me, I'm lying I

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First off, if any of you are awake, I go shock die. If you are, just wait till morning before you read the update. Please, rest abeg!😂❤️


I came here to Wattpad and saw that we were at 98K reads, I wanted to cry! Only to come back and see that we are at 99k plus reads, dangerously going towards 100k. And I blinked and boom, 100k! Too Many Broken Things is at freaking 100k reads, my babies!

Edit after I watched it enter 101k: WE ALREADY GOT A THOUSAND READS MORE!

Anyways, what I wanted to say was;

THANK YOU!!!❤️❤️

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE READING THIS BOOK! I appreciate everyone of you, both the active readers and the ghost readers that follow up, I actually love you all! Those of you that talk about my book and gather more people here, more crowd, God will answer all your prayers o! I LOVE YOU ALL! ❤️

Song for this chapter is in the Media. I listened to it while writing the Nana/Ebube part, so um, yeah.

The last chapter was a tear jerker. It hit me hard. Saw some comments that tore me up. In my opinion, that scene has to be the most heart breaking chapter in TMBT so far. I was just happy that enough people could relate enough to Chika. As for the Chika/Aaron thing, it's unfortunate things had to go that way. Let's just dive into the chapter and see what Casper has to say about it....

Are you ready?


"God forbid."

Casper stood there at the door and just watched us and like mannequins, like we were frozen in time, we stared right back at him, with eyes wide in shock.

"God forbid."

That was me, again.

If any of the Sisters heard me, they did not act as though. I mean, at this point, what could have been their priority? The fact that I was shaking into a near convulsion from panic and asking God to rebuke Satan...

Or, the fact that standing before us was Aaron's best friend, Casper who had heard from top to finish, every goddamn thing that we had said about Aaron, Chika, and the Dare.

Casper stood there, eyes boring into us, eyes that looked like he had been punched senselessly and had the breath knocked right out of him. Disbelief. Shock. Confusion. I could not even begin to place the emotion that I was reading in his eyes.

But, they were NOT good.

He might have as well shot laser rays at us. Or thrown syringe needles, or better still, rusted nails into our hearts. Because anything, and I meant anything would have been a better pain or misery than he look he forced us to hold in a lock gaze.

I couldn't even begin to explain the shock in his eyes. Or Fear? There was such a thin line.

"Casper, hey!" A high pitched voice from Soma called behind me, shaking in the slightest, and the fear in it was evident as day, "Hi, Cas. We, err, w-we didn't see you t-there!"

Suspicion laced subtly in his horrified gaze, but he said nothing still.

Not a single word.

And that was the worst part.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now