6b°/ And more colours

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Thank dheenmah this update would have been coming on Thursday, if not for her😂❤️



This. Is. Why. Dabeluchi. Orji. Will. Never. Have. A. Life.

Point, period.

"Lulu, do you feel better???"

Well, Soma...

I had just sufferred a horrific mental breakdown. Had to deal with Winnie's voice and 1000 words of ridicule, shame, and the humiliation that I was, replaying in my head, haunting me, torturing me, and making me lose my mind and grip the twists on my hair, pull it, drag it, in utter frustration at myself.

I don't know if I'm okay, Soma.

But thank God for you guys..

Thank God for the sisters...

Chika, Soma, and the twins had spent the next thirty minutes after my 'drama', surrounding me in one of the bathrooms of this humongous house, while my pathetic self was having the most shitty throw up session yet, breaking and destroying both my system and sanity in the four walls of this nauseatingly exotic bathroom.

"Dabs, you okay?"

I was still intent on taking in air, and every one of it I forced into my system smelt of my own vomit, triggering my gag reflex even more.

"Shit, should we take her home?"

I'm pathetic.

I couldn't even last a minute in the party, and I embarrassed myself and my friends by throwing up on the floor of the living room. And now, barely thirty minutes after, I'd even put further stress and dissappointment on my friends by having them drive me home, after all that they had planned for the night?

Ofcourse, I had to be the buzz kill.

I just wonder how long it would take for this girls to get tired and finally give up on me.

"Dabs, why didn't you tell us you weren't feeling too good?" Chika asked, face, laced with worry and concern.

I wasn't sick at all, Chika. I wasn't.

Gratefully, I didn't have a chance to reply and give a reasonable answer to her, when a soft knock was heard at the door of the bathroom.

Chika sighed. "I'll get it," she looked to the door and back to the sisters, "It's probably him."

She sounded like they all knew who she was talking about that was at the door.

"I'll go with you!" Ebere decided, all of a sudden.

"Me too!" Ebube followed up.

That was how Chika and the twins went for the door and stayed outside, leaving Soma with me in the bathroom.

I delivered avoided looking at Soma. No matter how nice the girls were being to me, I still felt as through I was slowly cutting thin lines with them, triggering their frustration slowly, and getting myself closer and closer and closer to the final straw.

What if I was...?

What if I was slowly stretching my limits with them..?

What if they were getting tired of me..?

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now