63°/ Set boys

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First off, I want to say a big thank you because we hit 70k reads some days ago and we are already on our way to 71 so fast!

Enjoy your read guys!! And read this chapter carefully sha🌝♥️


"Even in their wildest dreams, I would never give any of our set boys a chance with me."

That was Ebere Onuoha, speaking, with a cup of cocktail in her hand and an invisible crown on her head.


Dabeluchi Aurora Orji finally grew some balls and decided to tell the Igbo Sisters that she was in love with Marcus Acha and much to her surprise, they weren't even taking it as severely as I thought they would.

It almost made me think that I wasted so much of my time and worries, anxious about how they would view the entire thing.

I knew for a fact that they were not much fans of Marcus Acha. From the very start, they had not thought the best of him. So, it made me a bit worried about how receptive they would be to the news.

So, I told Chika I had a big confession to make to everyone. And I was indeed scared of how they were going to take it.

However, they surprised me.

It was one pick up from Chika, a day off School, and the Sisters joining in to have lunch together Gomery that prompted me to open right up and say it to them in thirteen words.

"Marcus Acha and I are in love and have been seeing each other."

I swear, it was as straight to the point as that. I didn't stutter, I didn't beat around the bush, I just went straight to the point with it.

And for what felt like a eternity, Chika Chioma and the Onuoha Twins moped at me like I was as basic as a piece of cardboard paper....

These girls were actually waiting to hear more.

Chika blinked once.

The twins blinked twice.

I blinked three times.

"Is that all?"

I stared back at the faces of these girls like they were speaking a different language.

"Is that the big confession?" Ebere raised a brow, a look of slight confusion hinting on her pretty face.


Swallowing hard, I nodded, uncertain of how I was supposed to react to their reaction.

Awkwardly, I rubbed the back of my neck as I answered, "In a nutshell, yeah."

The twins laughed softly and shook their heads with smiles on their faces.

"Oh, sweetheart, we darn already knew that," Ebere shrugged nonchalantly as she sipped water in a bottle from a straw.

"Seconded," Ebube looked over her nails and blew imaginary dust off them. "No offence, love, but you're terrible at being sacred and shit."

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now