26b°/ More Games

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Hey guys! Guess who's back!!!!



I timed my confrontation willingly.

I had waited for the twins to be alone. Two of them or one of them, I didn't care. So, as Ebube left to go get their Sports backpacks, and Chika and Soma disappeared after they had repeated it over and over that they were going to get some drinks and snacks from the School Restaurant, I breathed out a sigh of relief.

Apparently, the twins had announced a spontaneous track try-outs for girls since they were already given the 'pop up' responsibility to be in charge of the Female Track team with another classmate, Prissy, just this afternoon.

I could only imagine how the juniors who wanted to be on the team felt hearing such a sudden announcement for the try-outs. I wondered if they were even ready. And as I watched the girls - about 10 to 15 of them or more - on their Sports Uniforms, hanging around the field space of the track, segregating themselves in little groups according to their classes and friend groups, and looking like they were on their way to face a heavy judgement scenario, I was certain the whole thing took them pretty off-guard.

The twins had clearly warned everyone who wasn't a part of the Try-outs not to step foot into their track, and as terrified of the two those juniors were, they did Ebere an extra favour of staying a good distance away from her until she was ready to call out to them.

"Yeah?" Ebere closed the lid of her water bottle, turned to me as she started to stretch her hands in a form of little warm up. "Yes, Dabi?"

"Can I.." I moved my shoulders uncomfortably. "Can I ask you something?"

She stopped for a moment like something crossed her mind, stretching hands pausing in the air as she tilted her head at me. "Sure, hit me."

If I said I wasn't nervous about how she was going to react to what I was going to ask her, I'd be lying. But why was I going to ask anyway? Well, somehow I knew that the twins were always about a 99% correct about their assumptions. Or at least about 98% correct.

"Okay so..." I started. "I just wanted to know..."

She looked at me, pretty eyes peering into mine, patiently waiting for my question to come out.

"Is there a possibility that Marcus Acha didn't share that video of us?"

Ebere didn't move a muscle on her face.

It was like my question didn't faze her, but somehow I was a hundred percent sure it most definitely did.

"Is there something you want to tell us?" She inquired. Her voice; surprisingly patient and calm.

Well, they were a lot of things I wasn't telling the sisters, to be honest.

If it wasn't for the leaked video, for starters, they wouldn't even have known that Marcus had shown up at my dance class.

And even now they are aware, they do not even fully understand how his entire presence made me feel that night. How good it made me feel. How warm and at peace it made me feel.

They'd only seen the video we danced together. And since the twins seemed to be clairvoyant - and many other creepy things- they swore they could feel how uncomfortable I was in the entire dance video, and they weren't wrong. I was uncomfortable. But I swear, the rest of the night after that was magical.

But maybe the entire time, I was just being stupid.

And honestly, I had woken up this morning to a sad reminder of how stupid and pathetic I was, and am.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now