57°/ Midst of the Storm II

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I want to say, I don't believe anyone would be awake by this time, but y'all know how to shock me sha 😂❤️

Enjoy your read, Loves! Oh and shout out to ElsaRay4. This update is here as promised ❤️ Happy Birthday (even if it was yesterday 🥺❤️) I LOVE YOU!❤️❤️

Oh, and lest I forget, I and Iyanuoluwa-Temi   are doing a crossover with our books. If you didn't know, know now sha. If you remember Dawn and Ansel that Marcus and Dabi met back then in Wonder Coast, I think you'd love to check out "Almost Unfixable"! Those characters belong to her, and as a matter of fact, she has gotten to the part of her book where her characters met Marcus and Dabi on that day of Wonder Coast! 🔥🔥🔥

Y'all should check it out, Tem Tem is inarguably a boss!🔥🔥🔥


For all I knew, I was living in Dream World.

That's how it felt to me, like I was in a realm void of troubles, and all I wanted to do was stay there for an eternity, stay far away from this brutal reality, and lose myself in everything that had to do with him, for all the days of my life.

Marcus did that to me. He made himself the calm in the midst of my storm, and it was the most beautiful thing.

He was always taking me to a world of Oblivion when I was with him, and with every thought of him, every thought of even his mere existence, there was always a sweet feeling, lingering around inside my chest, swarming all over my heart; It was a feeling so sweet, so strong, so powerful and irresistible, that it almost turned sore - but in the most orgasmic kind of way.

It literally overwhelmed me. Lingering in there, and from my heart, mercilessly wracking through my entire body in multiple shivers that caused goosebumps...

And sometimes, tears.

What we had was so beautiful, it made me want to cry.

I wasn't sure what the most memorable thing about Last Night was - Was it the joy and undisguised feeling of freedom I felt there with everyone, most especially with him, or was it when we danced together? When it seemed like I was possessed by this powerful spirit of boldness, that did not even let me think twice before I danced my heart away in front of Marcus Acha. I felt so free, so fluid, so courageous, and he was bringing that out of me without effort. Bringing out the best in me and I loved every moment of it.

I was dancing to and with a whole Marcus Acha.

A boy, who once upon a time, I could not even dare to look him straight in the eyes, let alone, dance with him.

I found the experience  so wholesome - Like that was whom I was fated to dance with. Like it couldn't have been more meant to be.

I didn't feel even an ounce of nervousness, I was as free as a bird. 

I think I may have even grinded onto him?

Thinking about that was so embarrassing now.

Or, was my favourite part when he asked me to be his girlfriend?

It still felt unreal to me till date. Thinking about the fact that a boy like him wanted to be with a girl like me that much. Thinking about the fact that he was mine, and I was his'. Thinking about the fact that were in a mutual agreement to love no one else, but each other.....

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now