56°/ The Downfall of a Man....

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Hello, hello!

The reads of this book have been going up so fast, thank you all for reading this book!❤️

And I think you will love this chapter 😌❤️ {Song for the chapter is Untold Truth by BTS, I listened to it while writing and it went so well. Don't forget to check out the Media above, it inspired me in a way for a scene in this chapter too!}

Carry on.....


It was not easy to drive while Dabeluchi sat there, right next to me.

I simply couldn't concentrate.

The night was still young. It was barely a few minutes into six, and the skies were starting to darken and traffic was not being so friendly with us, as we tried to navigate our way through and get to her Dance Class in time for her shoot.

Over and Over, I had adjusted the hoodie of my brown trench coat, and looked to the rear view mirror to ensure there were no stains on the clean white turtle neck I wore inside - an action that had subconsciously grown on me overtime with practice, but all the same, I couldn't fail to notice that Dabeluchi seemed oddly quiet.

She looked worried actually. Of course, she was worried, we were late. She should have been very worried.

It made me worried too.

I couldn't help it; Everything about her affected me so much. Way more than I knew it should have. She tied me down with every emotion she felt, and made me feel it too. If she was happy, I was happy, and if she wasn't - like now - it affected me as well.

I wanted to calm her down, and no matter how much I assured her we would make it, she was still very disturbed. There was nothing more I could do, and no matter what I said, it wasn't changing the fact that we were stuck in this uncooperative traffic, with a line of unmoving cars ahead of us.

So, I extended a hand to Dabeluchi.

She didn't notice, so she didn't take my hand.

She was still busy staring ahead, afar off into the traffic as though she could in some way, use telepathy to coin things to go her way.

So, I made the move and grabbed gently onto her hand, took it softly in mine, and said nothing more as I held her.

Even merely touching her hand had an effect on me.

Holding her felt unreal. Like I was holding a goddess, and not a human being. That feeling you get when you touch a celebrity - you know they're human, but it still feels unreal, like in some way, they maybe are not. Our hands fit into each other so perfectly, it was Art. And just by touching the girl, I felt a rush. A rush of something that felt like electricity, but cooled like waves of chill. 

It wasn't normal to feel this way by just touching a human being.

What on Earth is this girl doing to me?

How does a human being make you so shamelessly and hopelessly obsessed?

"Aurora," I called her, but goodness, her mind was far gone.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now