51°/ Red-Handed

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Hello, there. Before you start reading, tell me how your day has been going.❤️


Mama Acha stared at me and realization seemed to dawn on her, and she stepped back. Once. Twice. Three times. And took in a deep breath.

"You're not doing it on purpose, are you?" She asked, her eyes suddenly softened on me.

Doing what?

"Or, are you?" She raised a concerned brow, a very concerned brow, and her voice came softer with her next words, "Dabeluchi, are you okay?"

There was a sharp, striking pain that hit the side of my brain, nearly bursting the vein open with a splitting migraine, and I screamed out in pain.

The door slammed open immediately, but that was all I could note from my immediate surrounding, because the entire time, there was a screeching in my head that threatened to end me, and as that splitting, unbearable headache hit me with the force of a dagger.

I pressed my hands to my head like it was going to do much to stop the aching and there were hands all over me, and muffled voices, saying something my brain couldn't decode.

All the way, it's like I could see different flashes of things that didn't make much sense to me. Blood, fire, scissors, noting that made particular sense to me in context, and as each one came, it felt like  my head was splitting more and more in half, and it was beyond excruciating.

But it all happened in a second.

Or at least, that was what it felt like. One second was all it took, and like a magical spell was cast upon me, everything seized - The screeching, the aching in my head, everything.

And when I opened my eyes, Mama Acha wasn't even in the room.

It was just Marcus Acha.

It was just Marcus?

I suddenly was unsure of what the hell had actually been going on this morning. Starting from when I stained myself, the bed, and till when Mama Acha had helped me, and had that strange conversation with me about my Mum after I called Mum, I couldn't even decipher if that was real or not.... I wasn't sure.

However, I could still feel my cramps, and I was sure that I was wearing pads...

So, it probably wasn't all in my head, right?

"Hey, are you okay?" Marcus alerted me to him once more, and I turned to him, confused to hell as to how the hell he got here and what was really going on.

He was already quarter-dressed for School; Wearing a black Men's tank top with his school trousers and his feet were covered with black socks and some black croc slippers, and he sat comfortably, elbows resting on his knees as he crouched slightly, staring into my ears with brown, kind and concerned eyes.

I was so confused.

So many things seemed off about this morning already, and I didn't know how to even start to understand what was going on.

"Where's your Mum?" I asked him first, "She was just here, wasn't she?"

He looked confused. The furrowing of his eyebrows were enough to make me tell.

"No, she wasn't," He answered me, "She's been downstairs, making breakfast all morning. For us."

I looked at him.

"Don't shit me." I warned him.

"My Mum's been making breakfast all morning," He repeated, looked at me without wavering, an almost creepy steady look in his eyes as he seemed to monitor mine closely, "Are you confused, Aurora?"

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now