44°/ Monster from the past

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Hey 👋

If someone told me I was going to update today, I'd have called them a liar, lol. I keep up shocking myself everyday. Guys, I don't want to include my personal life here, but I have been getting the most extreme mood swings lately. I mean, yesterday, I was sooooo sure that I was staying off the media completely because I was soooo down, and then, I woke up this morning, so excited for no absolute reason and completed this entire chapter.... Omo, I hope all is well sha.

Oh, and about the last chapter, I'm highly impressed with the comments from the last chapter, because it showed that a lot of my readers are actually educated and open minded, and I'm happy to realise that. You guys are amazing ♥️

Once again, thanks again for 40k reads. We're already close to 41k already!

Oh, and special shout-out to Stardust_Wendy , she just brought back "Nothing in Between" as "SIGNED, KARMA"! You all should check it out, Wendy is an amazing writer, and that will be one of the best Nigerian teen fiction books you'll read on this app, I promise you!


I wasn't sure the twins believed me.

However, they didn't argue with me.

It's not like I didn't want them to know, I did. I didn't enjoy having to keep this part of me from my friends, but with all due respect to the Onuoha Twins, I wasn't sure I was so trusting of whatever it was they wanted to do.

I wasn't ready for more nonsense, while this was still on?

The twins didn't get it. They wouldn't understand how this thing makes me feel. Unlike them, I was a lot of things that irritated my classmates. They looked for any opportunity to tear me down, and they looked for any opportunity to worship the twins. Ebere and Ebube were absolutely gorgeous, and worthy in Social Standards, and if anyone was going to understand what it was like to be an outcast, it definitely cannot be them.

I really wouldn't want them putting their hands in this, and messing it up even more for me. And all the way, my heart was thudding harshly against my chest, as I watched Ebube fondle my phone which she had seized in her hands, looking like she definitely had little to no intent of giving it back.

What if Marcus Acha texted me at this point?

If that happened, then, I pray the Lord my soul to keep.

And about asking for my phone back... Well, Pathetic, pathetic Dabeluchi was too nervous to open her mouth and talk.


It was Soma who suddenly barged in on us, with the force of a tornado, grinning and showing all her 32, as she joined us on the table she would have knocked down in all her excitement.

"Chika said I should ask you what you want to eat; we're ordering burgers!" She said to all of us.

Burgers...? Hell no.

"Well, I insisted, and Chi Mama was forced to give in," Soma brightly informed us.

I was certain Soma persisted and bugged the hell out of Chika until she agreed in exasperation. The Sisters had always particularly complained about food and service here, the only thing they ever got here was drinks.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now