34°/ Centre of Attraction

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Hey, sweethearts ♥️
If you're awake, say "Aunty I!" in the comments section 😂♥️


I found a nose ring.

I was just helping out my Mum clean her bedroom that early morning, because I needed to reduce all the work load she had on her, and I wasn't sure how, but one minute, I was sweeping the rugged floors, and the next minute, I saw myself ransacking my way through a rusty cupboard in her room.

And then, I saw it.

It wasn't a real nose ring, but it was close. I'd define it more of a fake septum nose hoop. You know? Those ones that looked like the kind they had on bulls in Old England, back then.

I decided to try it on. Curiosity got the best of me.

And I was surprised how much I didn't hate the new look.

I didn't hate it at all.

I spent over fifteen minutes staring at the reflection of the new version of myself in the mirror, a little smile of close satisfaction forming there at the corner of my lips, as I scanned myself thoroughly.

I looked... Okay.

Okay: That was the word. It was a good improvement, considering that I looked like shit a lot. Although, my eyes were still swollen from my epic crying last night, and it seemed like all the bags and dark circles were the most evident at the moment, but I hoped it would all get better after I had adjusted to my wake completely.

That aside, the nose hoop ring added a look to my appearance that made me enjoy looking at my reflection more. It was like it added a touch of beauty to my face, and hinted some form of... Boldness.

Boldness: That was the word.

It made me look bolder.





"I was hoping you'd find that soon enough."

It took me about the next seconds to realise that the new voice was not in my head.

I turned my head to the door of the room where my Mum was standing there, folding her arms and observing me.

Of course, I was still in her territory. Her room.

However, that wasn't what came to my light and understanding as I saw her, standing there.

Mum was smiling.

It wasn't a full blown smile or exaggerated grin or anything of the sort. It was something softer, and sweeter. For the first time in my life, I could see the joy in her eyes as she watched me.

I couldn't believe it, really. I almost hadn't seen her smile that way since my childhood. I had actually forgotten what a real smile from her looked like.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now