53b°/ Christmas Miracles and Holy Night Confessions

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Hey guys, Merry Christmas!

I tried my best to make sure this update was ready for today, and thank God I did it!✨


"But, it's barely even the middle of November."

In cue, Soma wickedly grabbed the braids on my hair with all her strength, mercilessly and hastily wrapped them around each other, nearly ripping off hair from my scalp, in the name of 'rolling my hair into a bun'.

"Well, Lulu," She started with my edges, brushing rather softly upon it with a toothbrush that I was certain wasn't in use anymore, "Somewhere, in some paradox, alternate universe, it is the 25th of December, and it's Christmas day!"

"Ehh?" I frowned in utter confusion.

"Soma watches too many movies, don't think it too much, Dabz."

Chika had stepped into the room and stepped out, I supposed. As soon as I heard Soma's room door open, and her voice following, coming behind us, I soon heart receding footsteps, followed by the sound of shutting doors.

"Alternate universes do exist," Soma defended her stance, seeming like she was desperately trying to convince me nonetheless.

"Huh." I hummed, clearly disinterested, but she continued anyway.

"Our greatest scientists have proved that they can be multiple universes outside our own that we don't even know of," Soma preached on, "Even fourth walls! Haven't you heard of the fourth wall? Do you know that somewhere in some alternate universe, your life may even be a popular book that some wattpaders in some other dimension are reading and commenting in? What are the odds??"

That.... Kinda creeped me out?

My life? A book? Wait- What?

I couldn't imagine the possibility of my life being out there, for some fourth wall dimension stalkers to binge read.

"I don't want anyone knowing about my life," I voiced out.

What about my life would even interest them? God bless the poor souls wherever they are.

"Well, Lulu, in some alternate world out there, we all are the protagonist in a book being read by many." Soma told me, that vibrant excitement in her voice, as she did finishing touches to my hair.

I let all she said sink in...

Then, realized that it was all bullshit.

Even if my life was a story, I would most likely not be the protagonist anyway.

"Sisters, we need to move! Soma's driver has been waiting for us for hours!" Chika's voice came again, behind us, and I figured she had walked into the room again.

Where were we moving? You may wonder.

Well, after Marcus - on very strict orders - had dropped me off at the filing station with Soma, who brought me here, to her Wonderland/Disneyland/Oblivion bedroom, otherwise known as Somadina's magical Kingdom, Chika had to explain it to me - before I could properly understand - where we were going by 8pm at night, and why we were going there.

It was a School Christmas Carol.

And no, not a Castron High School Carol, but a primary school carol.

Why were Chika and Soma making me go to a Primary School Christmas Carol? I bet you wonder once more.

Well, it was because of the Twins.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now