20°/ The boys... and a princess

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Who missed me?☺️❤️

There will be a double update today, you're most welcome ❤️❤️❤️❤️


"If you may know, I am totally and completely unperturbed, and my consummate inappetence to your nonsensical and extravagant demands should make it clear enough that it is of zero antecedence to me."

I blinked. Once. Twice.

And it still didn't make sense.

This girl just walked in here to Nana's basketball court, and spewed out gigantic words that made no sense in context to me.

Like she didn't even care that her entire sentence was too ambiguous for us to comprehend, she took a calm seat on the red and grey floors of the basket ball court, spine straight, toffee bowl in her hands, legs crossed over one other, and one hell of a bitch look, marrying her pretty, dark face.

And with the most unimpressed look I have ever seen, she looked dead and directly at an over excited Sean, laying on his tummy, elbow rooted the ground and palms cupping his grinning, wonder filled, dark face as he watched her like she was the most interesting thing in the world.

Her dead look was a contrast to his look of wild anticipation, but Sean didn't really care.

I stood with another toffee bowl that she made me hold for her when she went in to get a second one, and I watched the pair, shaking my head to Sean's obliviousness to the fact that she wasn't just having it with him apparently.

"Abi, you know all those things you just said, I didn't understand anything!" Sean didn't quit showing all his 32 as he both made the fact clear to her and stole toffee from the bowl she hoarded to herself, alone.

In all honesty, I didn't grab what she said either. This girl and big words.

She groaned at Sean, looked like she wanted to slap her forehead in frustration, but ended up muttering gibberish under her breath. "Irritant!"

Sean might as well have gotten used to her calling him that, because he was laughing his ass off.

Frowning at him, she just hid her toffee bowl behind her, grabbed one from the bowl, and tore the wrap open with too much force and aggressiveness. One that made me think she wished she could exert on Sean himself.

"In clearer words you illiterate will understand.." Her sophisticated, prestige filled tone was hard and back as she propped herself up in all her elegance, stressing harshly on the 'illiterate' yet, keeping her royal composure intact...

"I don't give a motherfuck." She completed, threw toffee into her mouth and munched quietly.

Our mouths dropped in disbelief and shock.

Either she really just cursed or we're running mad...

"Kelechi Alice Uwa."

The deep voice that called her full name may have startled us if we weren't already used to it.

Walking in from the back door exit of the main house, the one that had a path leading from the back of the building to the Basketball court we were in was Chido, himself, strolling towards the court, and heading towards us.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now