44b°/ Bloody fights and Bloodier Meltdowns

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(Ebere in the Media Box, lol)

So sorry for the delay, guys. This chapter needed WORK! And I'm glad I'm well satisfied with it enough now. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing it!✨

Annnnnnnd we are already at 41k, and half way to 42k reads already, that's crazy!

Okay guys... TRIGGER WARNING in this chapter, for people who are extremely sensitive to Violence....

Omoh, I wanted to run away from writing this scene tbh, I'll explain why in the A/N after this chapter, but I guess y'all will have my head for it😂And for real tho, this chapter would be a chance to actually show Chika in a more 'practical' light..... So...

Oh, and if you're skipping the fight scene, for your sake they'll be a demarcation between it and the rest of the chapter because you CAN'T skip this entire chapter, it's extremely important to the plot of this book, and honestly, I can't wait to show you guys this chapter and see your views in everything that's happening here...

Oh, and please note that the name of Ebere's past bully was changed from Gigi to Momo, a lot of people kept confusing her with a character from Almost Unfixable by Iyanuoluwa-Temi so I changed the name as they don't have any correlation, and I don't want to cause confusion.

So, without much further ado, carry on....


The entire Café was in a noisy, maddening chaos, but it was too late.

An enraged Chika had already charged Sarafina in a blinding, uncontrollable fury, swinging an iron fist towards the older girl's face, and in a matter of seconds, was connecting a series of horrifying, deadly, crunch-sounding blows that were dreadful to watch.

It was all too fast for Sarafina to even properly register what exactly was going on, so she could barely even do anything rather than take the full brute of the attack.

The girl didn't even have space to fight back.

A bunch of people - Soma, included- were quick to run forth towards Chika, as soon as her last punch had gotten Sarafina hitting the ground with a mighty fall, and they were all holding her back from further attacking. Meanwhile, Chika more or less was an animal right now, and all she wanted to do, despite all their protests, was to go back there and do some more damage.

I only hoped Sarafina was not dead. She had not gotten up from the ground since she hit it.

"Chika, you have to calm down before this gets out of hand!" Soma was screaming in the midst of the other voices of strangers who were trying their utter best to hold Chika down.

"WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS TO TALK ABOUT THE TWINS LIKE THAT!" Chika screamed in fury as she struggled from multiple holds, her face red as a tomato and the vein at the side if her head, threatening to pop, as she screamed, "HOW DARE SHE SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT TO THEM!?"


Chika was so furious. So furious that she was literally shaking in all her rage. So furious that she looked like she was about to explode, her eyes were filled with a scary urge for vengeance and her light skin was turning red as she reigned in all her anger. Anger that I had never seen before. Anger that scared the living daylights out of me.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now