4°/ Dares and Pledges

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So, I wasn't supposed to publish today, but I realised I should have published yesterday since it was Valentines day and I didn't so....



My face felt stiff. I couldn't move a muscle.

The girls were all surrounding me, looking at me with so much awe and astonishment, nearly peering their whole faces into mine and creeping the fuck out of me, in the process.

I closed my eyes, imagined their faces weren't so close to mine.

"Do I look bad?" I asked nervously.

"You look AH-MAY-ZING!!!" Soma screamed first, nearly shattering my eardrums, and quickly, the other girls were throwing compliments all over me.

I opened my eyes, looking at all their faces as they gushed. In a way, I was scared to see myself.

Soma did my make up.

She usually did with every party we went to. Although, something about tonight's make up session felt more different. Intense, was the word. My face felt heavier, hotter, slightly itchy too. She also did something to my hair that hurt slightly, I couldn't tell what it was, but when I touched it, it felt greasy and funny, like oiled twists. The black off-shoulder dress the twins had forced me to put on felt tight, skimpy, and very uncomfortable. I wanted to take it off and scratch my body all over.

Soma never went too extra on my party make up or outfit, because I always requested she shouldn't. I honestly wondered what gave her the inspiration to make me go all out this night.

I was scared to look at myself. So so scared.

I flinched, forced my eyes shut the moment I saw the outline of what looked like a pink large mirror, setting to position in front of my face.

"Please, no. Wait, I'm not ready!" I pleaded, shielding myself from it, so as to avoid even looking accidentally at my reflection.

"But, why?" A voice I quickly recognised to be Eberes', asked.

"Bring it down, B. Give her a moment."

That was Chika.

I felt the darkness caused by the shadow of the mirror on my face, clear over, and I knew Ebere had put the mirror away.

I opened my eyesonly  after a few seconds, a part of me wanted to be certain that mirror wasn't in my face anymore.

"You okay?" Soma blinked at me.

I wasn't sure.

I really didn't want to have to go to that party. I wasn't ready to see my classmates yet, the thought of them gave me a maddening, overwhelming anxiety. I really wanted out of that party, but I didn't want to tell my friends that... especially after Soma had spent half an hour, getting me ready and set for it.

I just wished there was a way we could all just cancel and not go for that party.

"Why do we really have to be in Yure's party?" I blurted the question out before I could stop myself.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now