52°/ Mean Girls and Meaner Revelations

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Thank you all for 50k reads!😫❤️

Really, thank you. I love you all who read my book. Even you ghost readers sha😂👌

Guys, I don't know if you heard about that #Justice for Sylvester trend, the whole stuff really got me down yesterday. Bullying isn't jus funny, honestly, and I don't know why people have to go through that💔 It inspired me to write a part of this chapter sha.... Hope y'all like it ✨


For a while now, even though I dreaded it, I had always imagined what it would be like the day that everyone in Castron High found out that I was not just still hanging out with Marcus Acha, but we were supposedly also in love.

I always imagined what their reactions could be if they watched the both of us, walk hand in hand, right into the hallway, completely and utterly undisturbed by any of them.








Or maybe something totally unwelcome that I may not even expect?

In one way, I was dreading it, and in another way, I wanted it to just, yunno, happen already.

I'm not sure if you understand what I mean, but you most likely do.

It's sort of like in Primary School; Remember when your name was written in the list of noise makers by that annoying teacher's pet in class, and that wicked French teacher stepped in with that transparent ruler to use the sharp edge to flog you and other unfortunate students on the list, right on the knuckles of their fingers. You know that feeling? I am certain you do. It's always the French teachers. And they are always women.

If you can relate to anything close to that, there was always that feeling of fear that was threatening to rip your entire system to shreds. You are standing there in the long line of dread filled students, watching everyone in front of you wince and cry out in pain with every strike of the ruler on their knuckles, and you are standing there, scared to death, knowing that with each strike and cry, your turn is getting closer and closer. But you don't want it to be your turn, you're not ready to go through all that pain, but the more you stand there, the more you get anxious and anxious, and there's just that part of you that wants it to get to your turn already, just so that you can get it all over it, and have your peace of mind afterwards.

That is how I feel.

So, in a twisted way, I felt like I wanted this to happen.

It was about time.

But then, why? Why were my palms still sweaty? Why was my heart still racing a marathon? And why did it feel like an asthmatic attack, which I never have, was starting to build up? Why did it feel like I was seconds close to pissing myself?

And why, again, did I feel it was necessary to hide in the School toilet till it was Break Time?

This was the second time in Senior School I was doing this, and after what had happened with Jelanie in Junior School and how Chika had practically saved my life, I didn't feel like I would ever have to hide in the School toilet again, for any reason.

But I guess Life has a way of surprising us.

And it is amazing how much gossip you hear hiding in Castron High's Ss3 School toilet, it is unbelievable. 

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now