69°/ Twisted

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E shock you?😂

I wasn't supposed to update today oo, but I don't know what touched me. So, yeahhh, enjoy this chapter!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️



No saint needed to tell me, neither did I even have to look for myself to see just how much madness the class group chat had been blowing up after the 'stunt' that me and Marc had pulled in school today.

And my God, classmates sure did have enough to talk about today. Starting from the entire chaos that happened with the whole Soma thing, the Soma thing itself, and well, the icing on the cake which was the confession of me and Marcus Acha that was made so publicly.

I didn't even look to see what they said about us on the group chat. With everything in me, I avoided doing so. I also found myself calculation just how many more school days we had left before we vacated for the term, just to give myself a rough number of days I had left before a break. Somehow, I was happy that I was not alone in this. It could have been worse. But at least, Marc had got my side. We were in this mess today and shockingly, in some way, I found it hilarious. 

Better by Khalid was playing because Chika left her speaker in the room and her phone that shuffled her songs and alone, feelings unwantedly getting too mixed up with the beautiful song that played, I stared there at the green rimmed mirror for what seemed like an eternity, asking myself for about the hundredth time if I looked 'okay' this evening or not.

Nothing feels better than this....🎶

Nothing feels better....🎶

Nothing feels better than this...🎶

Nothing feels better....🎶

The lyrics of the song played and as much as I felt happy about getting one burden off my chest - which was me and Marc's secret - I still had loads of others too. Like a gut scared feeling of how our classmates would judge us. How they'd judge Soma because of me, no because of Miranda. How they would judge the Sisters as a whole. And most urgently right now......

What on earth Marc would think of this nonsense I was wearing this night.

"Well shit Dabz, you look like a fire cracker." A random compliment passed me by and I whipped my head back immediately to catch a glimpse of Chika stepping coolly into the room with a dark hoodie over her head and some darker sweatpants, fishing out her phone immediately just as soon as the song playing switched to some other song that I didn't know.

"Are you going out to see Acha?" She asked me as she scrolled through her phone, a rather impassive look on her face while at it. "You look nice."

"Well, I am going out for him," I told her the truth. "Our Dance Class got accepted into the first stage of this contest, and Yukerya, our dance instructor, well she invited me to this get together at Greenland Park—"

"Oh, the Bonfire Party?" Chika cut me off, raising her head up from her phone to ask.

"Huh." I blinked.

"The Bonfire Party that's taking place in Greenland Park tonight," Chika elaborated.

I frowned in confusion.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now