38°/ Saturday Lessons and School Bullies

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As promised, I am here!

Guys, I'm really sick asf, and writing this chapter was soooo difficult, but I couldn't afford to miss today's deadline.

I just hope I delivered this chapter well😢

I wanted to make it in time for 9, but I just finished, so here goes. I couldn't wait to night, my body itches when I have drafts that are pending publication 😂 Anyways, enjoy♥️


"Sisters, sisters! I'm almost done downloading ALL the seasons of Henry Danger!"

"Am I seeing correctly? THE Vanessa Ayandele just sent me an invitation dinner DM?"

"Ohhh! Ohhh! Ohhhhhhh!!! We literally just ordered the new fancy Sylvester jewellery kit, and guess what? It's on promo!"

Well, as you can see it so, the Sisters were going bonkers today.

Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary.

All through out, the entire ride from Chika's house, down to School, that Saturday afternoon, they were going on and on about one thing or the other.

While Soma saved an extra space in the car for 'her bell', she was going on and on about getting all the Nickelodeon Shows on her phone.

Chika was talking about some Twitter celebrity who had messaged her on Social Media.

And the twins were throwing away all their money into an online shopping site that was allegedly on promo.

Meanwhile, I was fighting off the guilty conscience of lying to the Sisters about Marcus Acha.

It was a Saturday. And today seemed new and special for everyone because it was our very first day for the School's Saturday Lessons.

Saturday Lessons were organized by the School, and it quickly became part of our School curriculum in Ss3, mid way into first term, and today marked the very first day that my classmates were actually coming to School, for our very first Saturday Lesson.

I wasn't excited.

Not even in the slightest.

However, my classmates seemed more than elated.

Even the Sisters were more than glad to be in School today.

Of course, they had noticed I was distant and seemingly bothered by the one extra day to School that had been added to the curriculum, and as much as they possibly could, they did everything to make me feel better.

Soma gave me some Nutri-C powder in brown rolling paper, and I didn't bother asking why she didn't just give me the whole pack, instead of being all extra and pouring it out into rolling paper.

Chika offered to buy me food in School with the little cash in hand she came with; I knew she knew about my fears of eating things like burgers in public, so I trusted her to not get me anything that would embarrass me.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now