26a°/ Games

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Expect an update soon. Hopefully, I can finish up the chapter before tonight and update in the Morning. Let's see how it goes! This chapter was divided into two.

Song for the chapter is 'Playing Games' by Summer Walker! (Media above)


"Swear you weren't the one that sent that video to the School's IG page admins."

Sean said to me, after I tried to convince him I wasn't responsible for the rumours flying around since yesterday morning.

JJ, who sat behind me, large foot on the desk in front of him, as he tied the shoelace of his white sneakers, coughed. Vigorously. Very vigorously. And Lord, this was like the one millionth time he was coughing like that, this Tuesday.

I looked to him, glanced at him on the seat next to me, pettily annoyed. But chose to ignore.

He came to School with that disturbing cough this morning and all the way, right from Assembly, I had been avoiding him. Luckily, he wasn't in our class, so I had about the entire morning away from him.

Until the bell for Sports Break went.

Here we were; Classmates, packing up their stuff for the day, and leaving the class for Sports, and me and Sean basically in the middle of tidying up and getting ready to leave ourselves, when JJ bolted into our class with joy, coughing like a mad man, and spreading diseases unnecessarily.

Apparently, we now had to wait for him because he came in with palms on his feet, and shoes that he wanted to change into in our class, and if I wasn't too concerned about contacting that deadly cough, I would have been wondering why he didn't just change in his class.

"I didn't send the video to them," I told Sean the honest truth.

He looked unconvinced. In fact, as he stared at me, it was so obvious the one word that his entire demeanour was screaming at me: Bullshit.

"I'm serious!" I swore. "I didn't send them anything!"

JJ coughed again. I ignored.

"So, why did you go to her dance class?" Sean still wasn't convinced.

His question made me visibly falter.

He easily noticed. But didn't react much. My guy legit looked like he couldn't be less interested in having this conversation with me, but I had no one else to talk to, so he had to suck it up for me at least.

Apparently, the set thought I had something to do with the video. Like it was some scheme to make the girl look desperate. And I was so desperate for one person, just one person, to believe me.

"I didn't send that video, that's all I can say." Was all I told Sean.

JJ coughed. I ignored.

"Look, I hope you know I don't really care," Sean was plain with me, arms folded, eyes almost dull.


𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now