70c°/ A night to remember III

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Hey again! It's me!!!❤️❤️

Okay, so I updated twice yesterday, so this is the third one so far this week. If you missed the double updates of yesterday, you'll have t read it before this unless you'd get confused. If you're 'current', we moveeeeeeeeee!!!!😌❤️

Oh and we're at 79.9k reads and I wanted to thank y'all in advance for 80k reads!❤️❤️❤️


Energetic by Wanna One was playing and there were so many screams of applause and cheers coming from all angles of the place, so many camera flashes from all angles, from phones, the camera men, practically everywhere and I wasn't even sure if I should laugh or if I should cry.

I was excited. A bit scared, yes. But excited. I was anticipating something that I didn't even know.

The worst part of it all was that from the information I had garnered about the bonfire party while I was stalking earlier was that the entire thing was being captured live for everyone who wasn't here to see.

If that was true, that meant that now, as I sat here with Dawn,  having our seats so close to each other that we could whisper all our panics, fears and excitement to one another so hearing, as the entire party of present celebrities and influencers who were our spectators watched with smiles on their faces, hands clapping in excitement and teasing looks thrown to Marc and Ansel who were rolling up their sleeves in preparation, as we were the centre of all these attention.....

The entire country could see it.

Castron High could see this.

"Oh boy," I muttered to myself.

"Let's brace ourselves," Dawn adorably whispered to me and like we both had the same thing in mind, we simultaneously moved our hands to each others to hold it tightly together.

We braced ourselves. Holding hands with one another and getting ready to see what these boys had in mind for us.

It all started very quickly as Ckay's Felony started playing and the scenery around us started to change as spotlights from God knows where flashed on me and Dawn and the crowd went bonkers, screaming and nearly toppling over themselves and even doubled with its noise intensity when flowers flew in the air from somewhere, God knows here, towards the boys who effortlessly caught it like pros, blew kisses to us from where they were and Dawn and I were so hung up in blushing that when they started the real deal, it took us right off guard. 

With flowers in both their hands, positioned perfectly in the same angle and with movements that were perfectly aligned, synced, Marc and Ansel started to dance.

"Oh my God, Dabi. Do you see this?" Dawn looked like she could not believe her eyes and I could completely forgive her shock because I couldn't believe my eyes as well.

They were AH-MAYZING!

Ansel was effortless, moving smoothly to the song with easy, laid back moves that was enjoyable to watch and with that smirk on his face, anyone could have hinted out his confidence while doing this, and Dawn was definitely enjoying the show, but I couldn't waste much time looking at him because I was wrapped around Marc, too wrapped around my boyfriend to even look at someone else for too long a time.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now