72°/ Nightmares, New Friends and Bullshit

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How are we doing??🌝♥️

I don show again oo. Who missed me???


Blood and fire.

Nothing could have been more beautiful and satisfying.

The metallic stench of gore that glared like that red dress slapped me with the most unbearable urges and cravings and like a creature of darkness, a blood sucking demon from the darkest parts of hell, I embraced every bit of it with open arms, smiled in utter satisfaction, basked in my euphoria for how much catastrophe was unfolding before my eyes.

Bring it on.

Smoke. So much smoke. Fuck, a fuck lot. They rose from the flames that dominated in the darkness all around me, and they filled the air, forming the most beautiful patterns I had ever seen, drawing the shapes of chaos and catastrophe in shades of grey. Each streak of smoke, rising from the burning ashes, the crumbling ashes that screamed my name as hell called on its soul, and I only watched.

Bring it the fuck on.

I watched.

I watched it all. I admired the beauty that chaos could be.

I dare you to bring it on.

With awe in my crazed eyes, I watched the blood dripping down my finger tips, and with every rise and fall of my chest from every inhale and exhale of the poison from the smoke of the ashes, I basked in all of this. The screaming. The stench. The shattering of glass. The flames. The mutation of my skin as I embraced the demon that I was slowly morphing into.

And that was when my horror started to grow.


That moment when I looked to my hands and saw the scaly transitioning of my own skin, a sight that scared me shitless, had me panicking and screaming and trying to tear that cloak off me as it tried to consume me whole.

I pray the Lord my soul to keep.

There, then, my mind was shattering into bits, the scream of tortured souls started to haunt me, the flames were getting hotter, the ashes and smoke were started to choke me as death had a grip around my throat, and with every strength I mustered to scream, I could barely even hear my own voice.

I pray the Lord my soul to keep.

Anguish was me. Terror was me. Everything sinister was me. I ran from me. With every strength I could muster, I raced away from the creature I had become, raced like my life depended on it, strived to run and run and run and run and run and run and run and run—


I woke up.

I woke up to an anxiety attack.

It was just a nightmare.

Did it make me feel better? Not really. The anxiety attack grew with every dark realization I tried to numb from my mind and it was by far, the worst one I had had yet.

With remnants of the stupid nightmare that I had just had haunting me, blood and fire, I was breathing in and out with large gulps of air, my heartbeat spiralling out of control like a patient close to a deadly stroke.


Overwhelmed, I threw my arms around him.

Fear gripped me cold and I wrapped my arms around his body and pressed my face into his chest, breathing hard as the tears that I did not even know were brimming in my eyes stained his white tank top and I held onto him like I was holding onto dear life, with every bit of me, pulling against the fabric as I held myself together, held my sanity together.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now