97 °/ Broken Things {Book One Chapter Finale...}

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We are finally here, guys. Here it is, the final chapter of Too Many Broken Things BOOK ONE!🥺❤️

Can I get a Hallelujah??

We've come so far and I am so happy for everyone who has stayed here till the end. Comment down below what got you into reading TMBT real quick; we have an entire Q and A Conspiracy theory test for you at the end of the chapter, but spare me a few seconds of your time to humor me. What was the reason you decided to give this book a chance?🥺❤️

Nonetheless, this chapter is a tear jerker. I am actually terrified about it. You will cry your eyes out but on the bright side, you will probably take a few from this chapter. We will have a section at the end for your 2 cents thoughts, lol.

And guys, we go LIVE on the 18th of December, 2023, Monday (7pm) on my TIKTOK account. If I cannot get that account to a thousand followers by then, we may not be able to do this live. At least not on Tiktok. I know I have a lot of readers and each chapter of TMBT gets a thousand reads in about one week, so please, please let's all just cooperate and support that page and follow, so that we can go live. 🥺 Instagram is VERY limiting with Lives and on Tiktok, I can invite over ten people with me to duet, abi, co-live with me, and we all can properly discuss. We will have LOTS to talk about and it's all in a debate format, so it'll be VERY fun.

Unfortunately, I don't think I can have more than one person co-live with me on Instagram, but Tiktok can do this. If I am not able to reach the goal by 17th, we may have to manage Instagram, but that means I can only invite one person at a time and it won't be as fun.🥲 Oh well. My Tiktok Handle, strictly for my writing account is Lovetori_xo.

The song for this chapter is the same as the one from the chapter before last. Monster by Shawn Mendez and Justin Beiber. The media is above. Listen/Watch and be blessed.

Now, without much further ado,

I present to you,

TMBT Book One's Chapter Finale.

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I vividly remember my first day of Castron High.

Dad drove a Lamborghini Venono at the time, a car that I knew cost somewhere between eight to ten million dollars, an entire fortune if converted to own legal tender in Naira. It hurt my little Jss1 brain at the time to do the math.

He barely said a word to me, but the entire ride through the large red gates of the magnificent school, I was the subject of discussion that bubbled at his tongue. I rarely listened, anyway, but when I did, I managed to pick one or two. My memory, of course, is a bit foggy, but I recalled Dad being eagerly excited for me to break my brother's record by getting into the senior school team in my first year.

For emphasis, this has NEVER happened before in Castron High.

Even Justice Acha, an athletic legend in CH, had never achieved such a feat. The Main Sports Team was mostly made up of Ss3 boys. The possibilities for an Ss2 to make it in was about 1 to 0.09%, and if you were in Ss1 and dreaming of getting in, you might as well start working on learning to shape-shift because that was an easier goal to attain in life.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now