77°/ Sisterhood Pledges and Shocking Confessions

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As promised. It is the first of July and TORI IS HERE!!!!!!!!!

Are you guys ready for this one??? Are you sure?? Okay oo! Dive in! 



I think I heard my name, but I could not have been fully sure. 

All through the night till this time, it had been quite difficult for me to differentiate between external and internal voices. There was a thin line, or no line at all, between them.


My eyes were wide open as saucers all through out the night, and I could literally feel them burn. I could feel it all thoroughly, all the lines like shapes of daggers and lightening that practically tattooed itself into my drying eyeballs, outlining its edges with blood red highlights.

Bloodshot could not even cut it. In all honesty, it could not do justice to what I felt and knew my eyes looked like.


A thousand thoughts of horror swarmed through my mind, dominating every bit and piece of it and disorienting me beyond repair. Mortified, I could only rock my seemingly lifeless and weightless body back and forth as I hugged my trembling, feeble frame, shuddering relentlessly at the millions of voices and distorted scary faces that tortured me without mercy.


 The voices had never sounded this aggressive before. This violent. This angry. Never have they been this triggered, and for some reason that I failed to understand, they came at me. Like they always did. Whispering, screaming, laughing, mocking, their voices were like sounds from the pit of hell and each word that slipped out was a sharp spear coated with poison and aimed at my heart, effectively breaking down whatever I may have had left of my spirit.

"Pathetic, pathetic Dabeluchi," They would say, "Everything that's ever gone wrong is all YOUR fault!" And, I would try to mute them as hard as I could but that proved to be completely useless. 

This time around, the voices came with faces too. All of them had a few things in common, the fact I could not recognize them no matter how hard I tried and the fact that they were right about the scariest things that my eyes had ever seen.

Where were they? Scattered into the air all around Chika's room. It made no sense, but it made sense to me somehow.

I looked around me, frantic, and while I shook in panic at all the strange, monster-looking creatures that somehow looked like just faces, they stared right back, every one of them in their multitudes, the most sinister plastered smiles on their faces as they laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed.....

At me.

They all mocked me.

They mocked the joke that I was. 

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now