33°/ Wonder Coast

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Hey, guys. I'm here ♥️

So sorry for the delay, and I hope these double updates make up for it. Hopefully, updates from this point onwards will come steady oo.

Oh, and before we get into this chapter, I'd love to point something out. So, if you've noticed, the world of TLT and TMBT is all centred in Lekki, Lagos of Nigeria, and there are some places such as Gomery, S.A Café, and Heaven, as well as some streets like Dynasty Afrique and Estates like the Falade Realty that you have most likely never heard of in Nigeria....

Well, that's because they don't exist.

I expected y'all to know, because I believe it should have been kind of obvious, but I'll still point that out anyway.

I made up these places, and I also made up Wonder Coast as well. I felt it was good to let you know, in case you thought those places actually existed in Lekki, they don't.

To clear that up, I'm going to be making some adjustments in my first Authors note to let people know that these places aren't real. I can't help it, I have a wide imagination and don't like to restricted with it, so yeah, you may see real venues, occasionally, but most of the places, streets, and even schools are all made up by me.

Infact, I have even decided to rewrite and adjust the first chapters of TLT and TMBT, and make some things clearer. For example; Lekki Phase 1 in my fictional world is known as Lekki Crown and Lekki Phase 2 will be known as Lekki East...... I will still make edits here and there, so it will sink in eventually.

You can now proceed to read the chapter.....🍸🍸🍸


Wonder Coast was basically the Time Square of Nigeria.

You know? Time Square; It's hard to believe anyone hasn't heard of it before - basically popular for being the hub of Broadway, literally the major center of the World's entertainment Industries. Also having the venue highly rated as it was the biggest tourist attraction in America. I heard Time Square had over millions of visitors every year.

Imagine a venue just like that in Nigeria, and you're sure to get the picture.

Wonder Coast was located at the centre of Lekki Crown, giving it a special and one-of-a-kind spotlight. It was the highlight of Lagos, basically. It was the heart of the Nigerian Entertainment Industries, otherwise known as 'the place where all the magic happens'.

However, unlike Time Square, people didn't just come during seasons like New years' or Christmas Eve - unless, it was the year's theme. Sadly, Wonder Coast was only open for welcome, once a year, and on special, spontaneous occasions. Like, the Dance Fare, for example.

Funny enough, I hadn't ever been here before. The Sisters wanted me coming with them last year for the Christmas Festival, but I had not turned up because I was sick, and the twins insisted I stayed back.

So, then, how did I know all these?

Well, in subtle words....

I spent some minutes out of the few that me and Marcus used in settling down into the Coaster Double Decker bus to stalk the hell out of Wonder Coast on Google.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now