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I'm soooo happy I was able to let out this chapter for y'all ❤️❤️❤️

dheenmah Opurum_ Rihanna_Adedeji Talkmarie11 Iyanuoluwa-Temi y'all made this update possible fr fr!!


The sharp banging sound of the door jolted me into shock and wakeness.

"What was that!" I screamed at Marcus who was sitting on the duvets he had dressed the floor with.

The boy looked up from his phone, eyes glinting at me, obviously amused at my paranoia.

"Well, good morning to you too." He greeted me instead, happy warming morning eyes smiling at me, and the corners of his lips, curving in a little smirk.

Gbam! Gbaga! GBAM!

I flew up from the bed and didn't even know my landing destination as I flew in those little seconds in the air, until I was on Marcus Acha.

"Relax, they're just breaking down the door na," The boy was literally laughing his ass off at me, and I frowned in annoyance, realization hitting me at what I was doing - hugging myself around his body in fear - and I was just about to push this nigga away from me, but--

The weakened, unhinged door was pushed down, showing the carpenters that just broken down the door for us.

I froze on seeing the people they were with.

I froze for quite a long time.

Standing in front of us were two boys - Nnaemeka - Nana, and gulp, Marcus' best friend, Sean Ayomide, and my head became hot.

Both boys looked directly at me and my breathing actually failed. I gripped onto something. Tightly. Very tightly.


The 'something' I gripped onto was Marcus' neck, and that instant the realization of the awkward position that those two boys had walked into seeing me and Marcus in, and how it was implicating me, hit hard. Me, sitting of the boy's laps, with my arms, wrapped soooo tightly around his neck.


I jumped off Marcus immediately.

"Sorry." I don't even know who I apologized to.

"Morning." Nana was the one who finally decided to speaknto us, and Sean's face was rather so impassive that it made the atmosphere a lot more akward than it should have been. And funny enough, all he was doing was 'looking at me', yet, all my senses stood in instant alarm, and I was increasingly and consistently getting more and more uncomfortable by the second.

Sean Ayomide made me uncomfortable.

Infact, if I was being honest, when he wasn't jumping around, shouting, and making a whole hell of noise, he made a lot of people feel very uncomfortable... I often wondered how his friends coped with someone like him. I'd feel like I was walking on egg shells everyday.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now