90°/ Closure

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Hi, guys.

Sorry for taking so long o. No vex. I dey now. 

Oh and before you go ahead to read the following chapters, please remember something. This is sensitive times for TMBT characters, so a lot of characters are not really in their right senses. That being understood, they may be a bit destructive to either themselves or other characters. So, please calm down before you start swearing at any character. Remember you knew them before you saw them at their worst, iyeh?

Anyways, I think we all are ready for this one. By God's grace, lol. As the title entails, there is a lot of Closure and flashbacks and a lot of heartbreaking things to find out too, but you know, you made the step to garner the balls to open this chapter, and you've been surviving up to this point, so you're strong!

And, I will do something special this time around: As you are reading, you will be seeing me commenting in some paragraphs inline, and referring you to certain points in the book where it had happened. So look out for my inline comments. I should be done putting them all up in the next 24 hours! Lmfao! Alright, let's go!✨


I had so many questions for Kelechi Uwa.

So many questions that needed urgent answers.

But first, I wanted to get as far away as possible from the loud, brain blowing music that blasted in the Living Room. I needed to find me some good fresh air to breath and calm the throbbing headache that was growing by the minute.

Once again, a night that I had looked forward to was proving to be a pain in my rear.

"Fuck, it's midnight." I noted to myself as I glanced at the wall clock on the wall of the Living room that housed classmates who didn't seem to have a tired bone in their body.

I couldn't stop myself from coming to terms with the fact that my Mum had not come back home yet, and neither had Gadhafi and the bunch of classmates that followed her and the passed out kid to the Hospital.

Nonetheless, I was worried. Unfortunately, about him and many, many other things that were going wrong tonight. Things that seemed to be slipping out of my control. And meanwhile, unbothered classmates still swirled all around me in their high, doing right about everything you would see a bunch of teenagers who had a house to themselves for the night doing.

And, please, I leave the imagination to you.

However, after sliding and shuffling through the multiple bodies in that Living Room turned Mad House, I was finally outside. Believe me you, I must have been stupid to think that running outside was a sleek way to avoid classmates, having that about one third of them were still out here, lingering about the premises like evil spirits. 

And, of course, since most of the guest rooms had been locked up and preserved for a potential sleep over this night was likely to turn into, some of them found their safe space here, outside the house where all the lights were dim and a dull tint of gold - a perfect spot for them to swallow each other's mouths and fondle under skirts, shirts, and trousers in the sinful name of making out. 

It was already midnight, and all I wanted to do was send everyone back home and go to bed.

Crazy, the entire night I had been trying to keep everything under control, to distract myself in the most positive ways I could, when in reality, I was actually losing my damn mind: from feeling worried about Dabi potentially finding out all about the Diary, to trying to decipher if it was safe to tell her about it tonight or not.

To tell her who was behind it.

Imagine how many times I had to struggle with the guilt. The guilt of knowing the truth about the Diary the entire time and having to fight the many voices in my head that were screaming at me to either spill or shut up. It was absolutely torturing.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now