10°/ Stuck with you

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I said, I wasn't going to be back till the week is over, but thank youdonminitt she's the reason this update is coming now😂❤️

dheenmah contributed too, as well as bernieG247 and funnyjeans so yeahhh, thanks them lolll.

I'm sooo excited for you all to see this chapter (sniff sniff) Oh,and thank you for 8.2k reads already🤧😩❤️

Song for the Chapter is Stuck With You by Justin Beiber and Ariana Grande😌✨ (Media above)


Isn't this just... Perfect? We've all rested now, abi?

Now, what was the result of all the madness? I get to be the one stuck in a locked room with a girl who'd probably have my head on a platter and my blood in her tea, before dawn.

Kudos to the girl who just broke the door and even more, to the fact that she's probably going to have the full chance to murder me now.

So much for a harmlessly fun party.

"You could have just left when I asked you to," I called out to her back, "All of this could have easily been avoided."

She didn't respond. Didn't even budge.

Since she had broken the door, she had remained rooted on that spot, her butt on the ground, body frozen, and wide, horrified eyes not even blinking for once, as she stared at the doorknob in her both hands, that were supposed to be attached to the door.

This is going to be a long night.

I looked to my phone with a rush, immediately it vibrated with a text message. Like that simple action was even going to be of any help tonight.

It was Nana... And good, he texted back.

Atleast, someone had my back tonight.

Sean was the one I called first, and his phone was switched off. In his defence, he came to this party with a phone that was red at the battery bar and clearly glaring a miserable 9%.

JJ refused to pick up. So as the other boys. I didn't understand why.

And Nana being my last hope, picked up seconds into his phone ringing. And while this girl was screaming into the door for help earlier, I was on a conversation with him.

Conclusion, he decided to call Yure up and let him know, then give me feedback.

And now his text read;

"Yure didn't pick up."

I nearly slammed my phone to the ground in all my frustration, but before I had the chance to, another text came in from Nana.

"A girl did, actually, and she said he was too drunk to have a conversation."

I fought the urge to groan. Another one came in almost immediately.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now