91°/ Lies, Lies, and More Lies

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Hey guys, sorry for the long waits between chapters. I am really trying to be consistent, but it is one hitch after the other. It's well.

Anyways, apparently, the last chapter caused a mega uproar on top of the head of major characters that we did not expect to do some certain kind of things. And on that note, something in me is telling me that is chapter is exactly what you guys need right now. I don't know how you are going to take it or what opinions or conspiracy theories would come out of this chapter, but I can't wait nonetheless.

Just be reminded of something again, don't be too fast to judge anything in this book yet o. Your thoughts may be right, it may also be a misunderstanding, and it may be straight up wrong. But you know, let's see what conspiracies this chapter brings up. I honestly CANNOT wait lmfao!

Let's go! {Oh and the song for this chapter is I see Red and its in the Media. So, enjoy!}


"Look, Dabi, we can explain!"

"Dabi, please calm down and listen to us!"

"This sounds cheesy, but it's not what it looks like!"

"Look at us; let us talk about this!"

"Dabi, please..."

Their voices spoke at the same time, resonating everywhere at the same time. It was torture. First class torment. All the voices of people whom I would have never ever thought for once could do anything to betray me, trying to explain why they betrayed me.

People really expected to be given an ear to explain their betrayal.

With the way they all talked with speediness, anxiety, and fear, rapping a million and one words in two heart beats. Shrieking and spewing and stammering and stuttering. All in a desperate bid to be heard so desperately, by a person who could only stare at their moving mouths, suddenly losing the basic ability to comprehend a single word that came out of it while her heart broke into a trillion pieces at every second that reality dawned on her that this...

This was real.

This was actually happening.

With each second of its dawning reality, I felt multiple lashes whipping at my back and the coldest splashes of cold water hitting against the most sensitive spot at my back, every second I felt everything, but nothing at the same time.

And the worst part of it all is that everyone just kept talking.

And talking. 

And talking. 

And talking.

 And fucking talking.

Everyone, except her.

I wasn't angry. I... I couldn't be. I suddenly did not have the ability to feel an emotion as fierce as anger and I didn't understand why. All I felt was a dullness. That was all it was:  a very dull, sickening feeling at the pit of my gut. Blunt and uncomfortable. Just fucking dull.

Occasionally, that feeling stayed there in one spot, a dull, hollow ache, deflating my entire body defenselessly. Dropping my shoulders down in disappointment and leaving me in a conquered stance, confused and shocked. Absolutely defeated.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now