29°/ Unexpected Visits

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Can we guess who is in the Media Box? 'Cause she gets a star in this chapter 😌♥️


It was already a good hour past 4pm, and the sisters might have spent over an hour or so, discussing and concluding the whole topic on our Dares and Pledges.

Something they all had been avoiding to address since that night we were at Yure's party.

Then, all of a sudden, one faithful Sunday Evening, we meet up in front of S.A Café to finish up our Math Assignment due the next day, and then, after we're done, the topic of the whole Dares and Pledges that the sisters had been long avoiding, comes to show its ugly face.

Turns out two of us, amongst the sisters, had left ours undone; Me, being one of those two, obviously. And the rest, like Soma, had already gotten it done and dusted.

"So, what about the people who didn't do their dares? What do we do about them? Won't the curse of a broken pledge follow those who failed to do theirs?"

I couldn't even believe such blasphemy came out of Ebere's mouth.

I mean, I never thought she would be one to buy all of these Soma's mythical shit concerning the wrath that comes upon one who dares to betray an oath. The twins never believed anything mythical, they always said that in some way, everything that was a myth had a logical explanation, and they bought the idea of Psychology, than Science.

"Unless, the one who gave the dare cancels it, you'd be doomed to face the wrath of the curse if you didn't do your dare," Soma said to us.

Bullshit. I fought the urge to yawn.

"Like, when Ebere cancelled Chika's dare to get a tattoo," Soma continued to elaborate. "She dared Chi to do it, so only she, could release the pledge bondage on her. So, the thing is, do we cancel it for those who never did theirs', or just get it back on track?"

Cancel, please. Cancel.

That was all I could replay over and over in my head, thereby contributing absolutely nothing to the conversation. As the sisters went on and on about it, I aimlessly looked all around of the 'Café outside the Café that the sisters had chose to stay, instead of just going outside to eat.

Needless to say, however, with the number of people coming out from the inside of the Café, and settling here in the outside Café to have their food, I figured that the sisters may not be the only ones who loved this particular scenery better than the one, inside.

Blame S.U Café for making their outside Café better than the inside Café anyways.

It was pretty out here. With the neatly arranged, round wooden bar tables and chairs that filled up the space of the entire place, giving about just a little space to demarcate each table from the other. Coupled with the gold LED lights that, in a way, gave off these cool, vintage vibe. Cool music. Not to forget the railing - like a protector - that demarcated the Outside Café from the Pedestrian Walk and the main road side, as well. And if we're also going to point out that large tree by the side of the Café; the one that had the long stems, and broad leaves that nonetheless was large enough to legit act as a roofing for the Outside Café, we would be adding a more nature vibe to our vintage, I guess.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now