73°/ Apologies in the Mud

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Hey!! It's been a while!🥺❤️

Well, I'd you look to my page now, you'll see I now have 2k followers and I'm surprised at how much people are really following my ass, but thank you!❤️

Also, thank you so much for 85k reads oo! We're 5k away from 90k! All of you reading this book are the best!❤️❤️❤️

Meanwhile, I don't even know how y'all will react to this one sha, but issorite, let's go!😂👏


I wanted to go into a deep sleep and just, well, stay there.

I wanted to get out of all of this.

For as long as I possibly could. But I knew that I had to linger on a little bit more and face this mess.

To be honest, however, these past few days had done nothing other than give me multiple migraines and it was harder to handle by the second.

Not long after I had ordered a cab to Morewa Estate, where Dabi had told me was where her friend, Chika lived, I decided to find a cab myself to go home and check up on Mum.

I had gotten her some snacks from Gomery on the way back, something that I felt she would like: some red velvet cupcakes and apple drinks, anything that would basically make her feel happy.

I knew it had not been too easy for my Mum either.

As much as I didn't plan to stay too long at home, going back to Nana's place, I couldn't help but stay with Mum until I was satisfied she was just fine.

The house felt empty: no workers, no cleaners, and fortunately, no dad. Just Mum. However, I did not plan to stay too long here, just a few meals with her, a little bit of quality time with her and a little bit of me catching up with her and how he had been feeling and that was how ten minutes turned to ten hours and I ended up almost spent the entire morning, afternoon, evening and pending night at home with my Mum who engaged me like no other. 

"Shut the door behind you, baby, it's cold tonight,"

I heeded, shutting the door right behind me as she instructed as we stepped into the living room the exact moment that light switch was turned on by her.

"We need to start setting up some Christmas lights," She said to me as she did a quick survey of our living room, scanning briefly through the white and gold walls and black and gold leather couches. "December is just around the corner. Right, baby?"

She turned around to face me, a pack of popcorn in her hand and an anticipation in her brown pretty eyes that stared at me, blinking adorably as she waited for me to give an answer.

"Should we also get a tree?" She asked, her skin glistened under the crimson gold lights of the ceiling chandeliers; she cocked her head to the side and stared up at me, "And maybe some presents too, yeah?"

"Where are we? New York?" Sarcasm dripped off my tone and Mum went off with a loud laughter immediately, throwing her head back and slapping my arm hysterically.

I smiled. It felt nice to see her her laugh again. I had missed it.

Sure, it had been just a few days since what had happened with she and Dad, and me, but it felt like ages since I had seen her smile. Talk less of Laugh. It felt nice. Really nice.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now