95°/ Best Mistake

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Hi! We are here again with yet another banger, and I am so excited for this one. Are you?

Last chapter was a tear jerker. Our baby Sean. Let's pray for him because unfortunately things only get even worse. I know what I am doing and I know why I am letting you guys see this side of Sean. By the end of book one, I really hope that you will still stand by his side... because Omoh.

I hate that updates this year came very slow, I have barely updated five chapters this year, but e go be. We are close to the end, and I trust that it will be a banger. By the end of November, TMBT Book One should be wrapped up, nd we should start the second book on the birthday of TMBT Next Year (February 10th). What do you think about this???

Without much talk, let us move to the chapter now.


Right then, in my moment of confliction, wind whooshed through me as a group of people passed by me, their urgency evident with the speed they used to zoom past me. And it was only with a careful look that I was able to pick them out before they became mere retreating figures...

It was first Chika Chioma. Then, Somadina Best. With one of the twins that I couldn't tell apart. All three girls zooming off with a suspicious urgency, and an occasionally back-glancing Casper Bassey, with them.

Questions raised in my head...

The last I knew, I lured Dabeluchi into their hands.


All of them had stepped out of that now quiet, decrepit guest room, with no trace of my girlfriend in their midst.

One thing was for sure,

Dabeluchi was no longer in that room.

I felt it, I knew it.

And as I watched behind them as they walked, I felt an unhealthy rage building up in me. A rage that was so toxic that it triggered this burning scorch in the ins of my bloodstreams, to the point that it felt like the cruor was blinding me, like all I could see its red.

Its blood red.

Have you ever been so angry that your vision got blurry? You couldn't see anymore and when you managed to, everything was a bright tint of scarlet. A blinding red.

I couldn't even tell if this was just anger, or if there was something else going wrong with me. What kind of anger made your body break like this? Made you burn within, from every bone in your body to the veins in your pounding heart? Like you were at the verge of a physical body breakdown?

Could it be that I was angry at them, worried about Dabeluchi too, anxious about all that had just happened with Sean, or just generally overwhelmed by all that I had got to face within the span of a few hours to the point that my body was at the line of collapsing? Dropping unconscious to the ground?

Whatever it was, the last thing on my mind was dueling on my nausea or my shaky hand or my blurred vision or even trembling legs that could barely hold up my entire body with balance; no, that was not the priority, right now.

"Chika Chioma."

She ignored me.

All of them ignored me.

Now, for clarity, I knew my house in and out. The hallways were usually quiet, so eerie quiet that if I dropped a strand of hair, you could fucking hear it. My mum could stand at the end of the hallway and whisper my name and I would pick up her voice, clearly. And, by now, the music that had been blasting downstairs in the living room was gone and replaced by the low-key buzzing noise of our classmates in other distant guest rooms in the house who would rather stay up to today, gossiping and fraternizing in the thick of midnight instead of sleeping, and my fucking point was...

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now