30b°/ Polygraph Lie Detector II

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There was a double update, and this is the second update of it so if you didn't read the last chapter, just go back and do do, because this chapter will confuse tf out of you if you missed the last one. Kapish?


"Why would you even ask me that?" Aaron said to me.

I could hear the weight and edge to his voice.

It actually scared me. The way his voice suddenly dropped in decibels, the way his eyes looked like they were about to shoot deadly poison at me in no time. He actually looked very scary.

And that's what I didn't grab.

How he could seem so childish and playful and sweet when he was laughing and joking around, then look so sinister, deadly, and scary when he got like..... this.

It was so fast the way he had switched. Changed form, Chika would describe it so. It was like a light bulb switch. I had a feeling that would have been one of the reasons that those junior students were terrified of him the way they do. If I was a junior, I'd feel like I were walking around egg shells with him really. 

"Maybe, we should just skip that question, guys," Casper seemed to be in damage control mode.

"Why did you ask me that question, Dabi?" Aaron asked me again, completely ignoring Casper.

I didn't answer. I just did.

"I'm sure she didn't mean it the way you're thinking," Chika tried to tell Aaron.

"Why did you ask me that question, Dabi?" He looked at me, asked the third time.

"Aaron, can we just forget the stupid question?" Even Krisdana sounded tired.

"Dabi.." He snapped his fingers at my face, "Why did you ask me that? I want to know."

"Aaron, are you even listening to us? Forget it, please!" Chika came in.

"Why?" He wouldn't leave me alone. "I'm asking you a question and I know you can hear me, so tell me why you asked the question."

"Aaron-" Soma tried to call. 

"Don't bother, he can't hear you." Casper told Soma.

"What?" Soma was confused.

"He can't hear any of you." Casper said to everyone.

"What do you mean?" Chika asked him.

Casper looked at his best friend who would not stop staring at me, waiting for me to answer.

"When Aaron gets like this- overwhelmed with emotions- he sort of has selective hearing..." Casper explained to everyone.

Selective Hearing?

"He hears only what he wants to hear, and right now, all he wants to hear is Dabi's response, so no matter how much all of you scream and call him, it's all just background noise in his head." Casper elaborated.

I felt like I was on a hot seat.

"That's one thing about Aaron," Casper continued, "That's why it's nearly impossible to reason with him when he gets overwhelmed with emotions. Especially anger. You'll be wasting your time if you want to reason with him in that state."

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now