87/ Long time no see II

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Second Update of the double update🤲🏿

Note: I already updated last night, so if you see this first, stop and go back. If not, nothing here and I mean, absolutely not a single thing here is going to make sense to you.

If you're not on this boat and you already saw the Last Night's update, carry on!😌❤️


There was nothing better than having the total and complete trust of the person you adored.

It built up slowly in her eyes,  that trust. The fine dotting lights hovered all around us like stars in all the darkness and even with the intensity of all eyes and attention on the both us us, she nodded gently and put in faith into my words.

I don't need words... 🎶

Slowly, hesitantly, she started to loosen up. The first few words of the song started and she reacted to it vaguely, moving her head smoothly to the side and then, back to my encouraging gaze, her short head movement syncing perfectly with the tempo of the song.

A gentle smile drew against my lips. "Good girl."

You don't need to say it...🎶

The nervousness in her eyes were transitioning, I liked that. The skepticism in them was morphing subtly into something bolder, little by little, and with that next line, she had picked up impressively, surprising me with a hand play action.

One, two, three, her hands were tapping against mine in turns and then together, like those childish hand clapping games I remembered from primary school. Only that Aurora could make something so ridiculous look so artistic, creatively woven and crafted, perfectly exquisite, as she tapped and clapped according to the beat, slow and steady, and in style and sync.

"Hehe," I chuckled lightly, sweetly, when her hands remained in mine, holding them when she was finished. A gentle nod from me reassured her that she was doing absolutely great.

Go with the feeling...🎶

Hands intertwined with mine, she swayed her hips daintily, moving from side to side, rocking them to the rhythm and beat. My eyes were blessed with the movements of her body that were nothing short of angelic and as I watched, tipsy with awe, she played her hands against mine, sending electricity currents down my spine as she twirled from side to side with her tiny waist, moving with grace to the song, dancing to the feeling.

And I'll do the same... 🎶

I followed, copying her. Hand in hand, I swayed with her, to her tempo, to her speed, to her rhythm, to her move. Going along with her, just as I had promised her I would.


That's how this works, I put you first...🎶

Confidence was all I picked up off her demeanor, and it made me glad that she was comfortable. That was all that mattered to me, that she was having fun while conquering her fears. It was all about her right now.

And God, this girl was a work of Art. Her talent was a prized possession she had, a weapon of mass destruction. I watched, absolutely awestruck, as she eased her body flow into the song. She had barely even started and the hairs on my body were standing, goosebumps dotting my skin, as I tried to comprehend the magnitude of her potential.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now