46°/ I dare you to speak of this

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Hey, guys. As promised, I'm here with a double update ❤️

This is the first chapter of the double updates. Enjoy!♥️✨


"I am sooo in love with pencils!"

Soma cried joyfully into the peaceful, not-so-peaceful air of the morning as she scribbled away in her drawing book, a soft, warming smile on her face.

Just another School morning.

The sun is shining, the bird are chirping, and Somadina Best is professing love to a pencil.

"Oh..." She seemed to pause, realize, and add, "And a boy named Noble Igwe."

Oh, right. And him.

"Well, look at you being all sunshine and rainbows this morning, Somadina," Chika commented, brow raised to tease the tall, hyperactive girl as she looked down into her drawing book on the desk to see what she was doing. "What are we missing out on?"

"Love!" Soma cried out in all her joy, squeezing her drawing book to herself in a tight, warm embrace.

Chika laughed, genuinely cracked up by Soma's drama.

And so did I. Just a little.... But more because something about that word seemed to hit different these days for me.

It was another Wednesday Morning in Castron High, and since it was still a few minutes to the Assembly, the block wasn't exactly as full as it would have been after the Assembly - since a lot of my classmates preferred to come late to School, because they couldn't be punished for it. Hence, it wasn't as noisy as it would have been if there was a full house.


Something about the noise my classmates made gave me too much anxiety.

And through out the week, they had been acting strange around me.

However, about a half of our classmates were still around, hovering around the hallways and in classes, and there was a little buzzing of noise that hinted that they were indeed around, and for my sake, Chika suggested she, me, and Soma stayed in class till it was time for the Morning Assembly.

So, there we were, in Class C, at our usual seats at the middle, with Soma on her seat, drawing a portrait of her boyfriend in her drawing book, Chika, sitting on the desk, sneaking peeks at it, and me, doing absolutely nothing else than sitting on my seat by Soma, watching Chika, and Soma, quietly.

"I think I'll pass on the whole Love thing though, Soma," Chika responded with a small chuckle.

"Well, you're missing out on a LOT, Chi Mama!" Soma waved her HB pencil at the lighter skinned girl, "Love is the most beautiful thing in the world!"

I smiled, hearing that.... I wasn't sure why.

I wasn't even sure I knew exactly what Love was, but if it had anything to do with how I felt about Marcus Acha, then sure, I agreed with Soma.

However, I had been feeling so odd about meeting him in person lately.

Not just because the twins seemed to almost be catching me lately, but something about meeting him in person after everything that had happened on the Internet lately, kind of scared me. Terrified me, even,

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now