Next Tuesday...
This whole holding off on sex until I'm healed thing was starting to get difficult. The last time we did it was literally two Saturday's ago, the day after Jack's party. That was like one and a half weeks ago. I mean, that wasn't THAT long ago I guess but just being around each other so often, especially alone, after it's been a while since we had sex, was making both of us extra horny.
But at the same time, I understood where Jack was coming from about this. If roles were reversed, I wouldn't want to risk him getting more injured in any way either. So, no matter how bad I wanted him to rip my clothes off and take me hard, I appreciated what he was doing.
It was just getting really hard to control myself...
But by now, I felt pretty much completely better. My limp was gone and I went to the hospital yesterday to get a check up. They said I was good to take off my wrist brace today. They also said that by this Friday after school, I'd be able to take off the knee brace as well. They did say I should go back to the hospital on Friday before taking it off just to make sure my knee was fully healed though.
This made me very excited. First of all because these braces have been very annoying to deal with everyday and having to be careful with my knee and wrist was always so annoying. I was also very excited because this meant Jack and I would finally be able to have sex again.
Now that I was taking my wrist brace off, this also meant that I'd be able to write on my own again. This meant that I technically didn't need Alena as my partner anymore. But we already started the assignment together and if we were to restart on our own now, it would just make it much harder.
Speaking of Alena though, things definitely changed between us since that day at the library. We've been going to the library almost every day to work on the assignment, other than the weekends and each day, it felt like we were talking more and more about things relating to getting to know each other rather than the assignment. We were still getting the assignment done of course but we were also talking a bit more off topic as well.
It was almost like we were actually becoming friends... It was so weird. I honestly didn't know how I felt about it either but if it started happening, it wasn't really something I could help.
I mean Alena's done some pretty bad things to me in the past.. Bullied me, talked shit about me, helped Ema break Jack and I up.. I wouldn't be surprised if there was more than that that I just didn't know about.
But now she was acting completely different. I could tell she felt awkward talking to me like this as if we were friends as well so I was pretty sure this wasn't some scheme. She didn't even seem to dislike me or give me any sort of attitude anymore. It was weird how quickly she changed around me.
I was starting to have a feeling that Alena wasn't actually a mean person at all. Ema and Dara just made her like this somehow. That rude, snobby, full of herself person wasn't actually who she was. She was actually an extremely smart, down to earth, friendly person.
But if that was actually the case, why was she so mean when she was with her friends? Peer pressure? Did they have something against her? Did something happen between them in their past?
This was all very confusing yet intriguing... I wanted to ask her about it but we definitely weren't that close and besides, t was none of my business.
So I just had to deal with the curiosity.
Anyway, I got out of bed and went to my closet to get dressed. I put on a black cropped t-shirt along with some white sweatpants. I put my hair half up half down, brushed my teeth, then went to school with Jack.

You're My Forever
Romance"I really.. really want to kiss you..." He leaned in even closer. I wouldn't want anything more right now either.. "So then kiss me..." My heartbeat started quickening as his lips inched even closer to mine. By now, they were two centimetres apar...