1 Week Later...(Jackson's P.O.V)
I groaned, digging my face deeper into my pillow when I heard my alarm going off in the morning. My alarm went off for about twenty seconds before I got so annoyed by the sound, that I just had to turn it off.
But right when I woke up properly a bit more, I was quick to remember something I've been thinking about and planning ever since that day after Roni and I watched the stars and I told her I was in love with her. I had everybody's permission to do this, as in both of our parents so that was out of the way. And I even got the only person who'd be able to this for us to schedule a date for it which happened to be today.
The only thing left was Roni's approval.
I know, it was very last minute to ask her but I wanted it to be as much of a surprise as possible. Plus, I knew she'd most likely agree, I just legally needed her permission. And I was going to ask her in about half an hour, when we met to go to school today.
Anyway, since I was fully awake now because of excitement, I decided to go on my phone for a couple minutes and look through new notifications. Two notifications specifically caught my eye though. The first was Roni's usual good morning text and the other was a text from Ema. Obviously I answered Roni's text first before going to Ema's text.
Ema: Good morning😊 Just wondering if you wanted to hang out at lunch again today?
Over the past week, Ema and I's relationship changed a lot, for the better. We actually became pretty good friends surprisingly. She had completely changed from this rude, deceiving, backstabbing monster to a genuinely nice, friendly, down to earth person and I freaking loved it. This is all I was asking for when I told her to change before we became friends. And now that she's changed, I was more than happy to be her friend.
And within the past week, we've hung out about one or two times at lunch. And regarding Roni, I was very careful and cautious with that situation even though she's told me countless times that she was fine and she trusted me. I told Roni every single time before hanging out with Ema at any time and I was sure not to get too close to her. Even though Ema changed, I still didn't have 100% trust in her.
Jack: Yeah sure :) See you in class.
Ema: See you!
After texting Ema, I texted Roni again about hanging out with Ema at lunch and she was completely fine with it.
So, I got out of bed and went to brush my teeth. After that, I went back to my room to get dressed. I got dressed in a navy blue shirt with uneven red and white stripes and some grey ripped jeans with a belt. I comb through my hair, pushed it back then put on a navy blue beanie. After getting ready, I went downstairs, grabbed an apple, then headed outside.
Roni showed up only a minute later.
Veronica's P.O.V...
I jogged over to Jack's driveway and went over to his car which he was leaning against. We greeted each other with the usual hug and quick kiss before going into his car.
"So, before we go.." Jack said just after we shut the car doors, turning to me. I looked at him as I put the piece of gum in my mouth that I've been holding. "I've kind of been planning something pretty big for us ever since the day after we went to see the stars.." He told me with a growing smile as if he was trying to control his excitement. "That makes me nervous." I said with a small laugh, making him laugh as well. "You don't have to be nervous. Not yet at least." He explained. "Yeah well that helps." I said, both of us laughing again.
"What is it then?" I asked him, turning to him as well. "I was wondering if you'd like to drive over to my aunt Mary's house after school today so she could give us matching tattoos. I already got permission from our parents." He explained with a smile, looking into my eyes. My eyes widened.

You're My Forever
Storie d'amore"I really.. really want to kiss you..." He leaned in even closer. I wouldn't want anything more right now either.. "So then kiss me..." My heartbeat started quickening as his lips inched even closer to mine. By now, they were two centimetres apar...