2 Weeks Later...(Jackson's P.O.V)
I've hung out with Ana multiple times since the first week of school. And it's been.. fine..
Every time we hung out, I was starting to believe more and more that her intentions for me were more than friends. She just kept on saying and doing things that proved it..
I really hated because now that Ana was back in my life, I wanted her to stay in it. But that couldn't happen if she wanted more than friendship.
I was also quite sure that it wasn't in my head anymore. I mean, she was making it quite obvious. But still, I didn't know 100%.. and that meant I couldn't confront her about it. It would be unfair to call her out on something that she hasn't even been doing.
I haven't even seen her with any other people so I couldn't even tell if that was just the way she acted with people now. I know some people just have a naturally flirty personality or just behaved really touchy and friendly with people so it was possible Ana was just like that but I didn't know since I haven't seen her with anyone else.
This whole situation was just getting very annoying...
So anyway, I got up from bed and went to brush my teeth. After doing that, I went back to my room to get dressed.
I put on a fitted black t-shirt with a red and black flannel on top with the sleeves rolled up half way and some black cargo pants. I combed my hair back then put on a black beanie.
After getting ready, I went downstairs, grabbed an apple, then headed outside.
Roni and I met up and went to school together.
When the lunch bell rang, I went down to my locker first thing. After switching out my binders and what not, I left the locker hall.
As I was walking down the atrium towards the cafeteria, I suddenly noticed some people walking my direction a bit further in the atrium. I stopped walking right away and my eyes widened a little bit.
It was Anabelle.. and she was talking, walking and laughing with fucking Ema and Dara...
No way Ema and Dara were the two friends Ana told me about on the first day of school.. There was no way two assholes like Ema and Dara could befriend someone as nice as Ana..
How the actual fuck..
Since they weren't too far from me and they were still walking, they eventually ended up right in front of me. All of them stopped when they saw me, meanwhile I was still standing there with my eyes wide.
"Oh hey Jack!" Ana spoke up while smiling big. "Hey.." I mumbled, still very surprised from what I was seeing.
Since I didn't yet know what I wanted Ana to know about Ema and what not, I had to talk to Ema.
"One second." I said before just grabbing Ema's wrist and pulling her away from them. "What are you doing?!" She asked me, sounding very confused but not resisting either. I didn't answer her, I just pulled her until we were out of sight from Ana and Dara.
Once we stopped, I let go of her and turned to her. She looked very confused.
"Are you seriously friends with Anabelle?" I asked her, still sounding and looking very surprised. "Yeah.. we've been friends since the beginning of the year.." Ema told me.
So these were the two friends Ana told me about on the first day..
"But how do you even know her?" She asked me, her eyebrows furrowing. "She's that Ana.. my ex.." I sighed. Back in grade 9, I told Ema about Ana. Ema's eyes widened right away.

You're My Forever
Romance"I really.. really want to kiss you..." He leaned in even closer. I wouldn't want anything more right now either.. "So then kiss me..." My heartbeat started quickening as his lips inched even closer to mine. By now, they were two centimetres apar...