2 in 1 | 36

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The Next Day...

I woke up right when my alarm went off today, surprisingly. I quickly shut it off, keeping my eyes closed. I rubbed my eyes before slowly opening them to see the roof of the treehouse. 

I looked to my left to see Jackson still asleep beside me. He was lying on his stomach with his head turned to me and his arm was around my waist, pulling me close to him. He looked adorable as he had a small smile on my face even though he was asleep. 

I smiled, running my fingers through his messy, soft brown hair. My smile grew as I remembered everything from yesterday. I still couldn't believe that he actually liked me too.. it still felt unreal. 

Wait.. what if it was unreal..? What if Jack was just in a weird state of mind yesterday for whatever reason and when he woke up today he was going to completely regret what happened? What if he didn't actually have feelings for me? 

I started making myself very nervous and stressed with thoughts like this. I was very scared to wake him up but I had to now or else we'd be late for school. Whatever, I'd have to wake him up eventually... 

"Jack..." I whispered multiple times, playing with his hair. After about, my fifth time saying his name, I saw him beginning to wake up. His arm moved off me as both of his hands began rubbing his closed eyes. He groaned quietly as he did so. He turned over onto his back.

His eyes opened half way and he looked at me. Once his eyes met mine, I saw a tired smile appear on his lips. Well, that was a good sign at least. I smiled back a little bit but I was still nervous. 

"Good morning..." He whispered, pushing some of my hair behind my ear. His touch almost sent shivers up my spine. "Good morning, Jack..." I whispered back.

I couldn't wait any longer to find out whether or not he actually still liked me. I decided to be spontaneous again. 

I leaned in quickly and pressed my lips against his, cupping his face. His hands quickly held my hips out of reflex. I felt a huge amount of relief as he began kissing me back. His arms wrapped around my waist tightly and he pulled my top half on top of him. 

After kissing gently for about a minute, we slowly pulled back. I smiled softly before laying back beside him. 

"Well, that was a very nice way to wake me up.." He said quietly with a mix of a smile and smirk, running his fingers through my hair. "Was it? I was worried.." I sighed. "What do you mean?" He asked me with a small chuckle. "Well, I was worried that you wouldn't feel the same for me today as you did yesterday.." I explained to him quietly. 

"Roni," He grabbed my hand and held it in both of his. "like I said, I've had feelings for you for longer than just yesterday. I just realized yesterday. And I'm lucky as hell I did because I wouldn't want anyone else stealing you away from me. I love you, Veronica..." He looked deeply into my eyes as he spoke. My heart almost melted as I listened to what he said. "I-I, love you too, Jackson..." I whispered as I felt the slightest bit of tears filling my eyes. Both of us smiled softly.

"So.. what does this all mean?" He asked me quietly, the cute smile still on his face. I didn't have to think twice. "It means I have two in one.. a best friend, and.. a boyfriend..." I whispered, my smile slightly growing as I looked deeply into his eyes. His eyes lit up after hearing what I said. 

Jack smiled big as his arms wrapped back around my waist and he pulled me into an even tighter hug, pulling me back on top of him. I giggled as I hugged him back just as tightly. 

After talking a bit more about everything, we realized we were getting late for school. So we quickly got up and went to our own houses to get ready.

I went up to my room and went to get dressed. I put on a white cropped t-shirt with blue jeans. I put my hair half up half down, brushed my teeth, then went outside to meet back with Jack. He was already outside. 

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