Attempts | 46

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The Next Day... 

I had little to no inspiration to get out of bed today but I somehow managed to do it anyway. 

I went to my closet and got dressed in an oversized grey sweatshirt with some black jeans. I put my hair in a messy bun, brushed my teeth then drove to school. 

I went up to my travel and tourism class and right when I sat down at my seat, I put my head down on the table and wrapped my arms around it. I just got to school and I already wanted to leave. 

I hated the feeling of just not being in a good mood 24/7.. it felt so depressing.

Lucas's P.O.V... 

Right when I walked into the room, my eyes immediately went to Roni. She had her head down so I couldn't see her face. 

It's only been two days but I already missed her like crazy. I kind of wanted to talk to her. I wanted to apologize because for all she knew, I wanted to go along with Ema's plan. But I wanted to tell her now that I wanted to back out but the reason I couldn't was because of money.

I contemplated doing that for a while. I decided to do it. 

I walked up to her table and stood in front of it. I put my hands down against it so I leaned down a little bit. I was right in front of her but she still couldn't see me since her head was down. 

Veronica's P.O.V... 

"Veronica.." I heard my name being said softly. But.. I recognized that voice all too well. My heart immediately started beating much faster. 

Slowly, I lifted my head to look up. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Lucas looking down at me. My eyes visibly widened. I could barely find any words to even say. 

"W-Why are.. you h-here?" I asked him very quietly. "I have to talk to you, let's go outside." He told me blankly. Yeah freaking right. As if he thought I'd let him do that after everything he did to me. "No. Do you really think I'd want to talk to you?" I said, clearly a bit of rage in my tone. He sighed.

He looked around my table and at me as if he was thinking. His eyes focused on something. He reached beside me and grabbed my phone. I furrowed my eyebrows. He put it in his jacket pocket before walking away and out of the classroom nonchalantly. 

Did he just steal my phone? 

I was quick to get up and speed out of the class room to find him. Right when I ran out of the classroom and turned left, the first thing I was was Lucas. He was like a foot away from me, holding out my phone for me to take. I snatched it from him, pretty aggressively before putting it in my back pocket. 

I turned around to leave but almost right away, I felt his hand firmly go on my shoulder, stopping me from walking. He turned me back to him. 

"Let me talk and explain myself, please." His voice was soft but firm as his hand moved off me. "Why should I? You lied to me and fucked up my life. I at least deserve the right not to speak to you." I raised my voice a bit. 

"I want to apologize." He spoke quickly. My eyed widened a bit. "'Apologize'? You're saying you're sorry? You're sorry after playing me for over a month and on top of that you think sorry will help. Funny." I scoffed, crossing my arms. 

"About that month.. I'll be honest. In the beginning, I wasn't feeling a connection between us at all and it was all about the money for me. But it only took me like a week before it stopped being about the money and started being about you. Us. Trust me, if I still didn't like you after like two weeks, you would've noticed for sure." He explained. "You really expect me to believe that?" I raised a brow. 

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