The Next Day...(Jackson's P.O.V)
Just from yesterday, things really changed with Roni. We started talking much more which I loved! We still didn't talk as much as we used to of course, but I'd take whatever I could get.
I was very grateful that she was actually talking to me now and didn't really seem to be mad at me but.. I couldn't help but miss her as more than friends... She's the only one for me yet I managed to lose her. Of course Roni and I are always going to be friends, whether we're dating as well or not, but still..
I guess I just had to somehow get used to being just friends with her again...
Veronica's P.O.V...
Things have changed kind of drastically with Jack and I only from yesterday. Just from sleeping on these thoughts, I knew I'd end up following my heart rather than my mind today which meant that I couldn't stop myself from becoming so-called friends now I guess with Jack.
But the point was that it felt like we were really becoming good friends again. I didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing though but I knew it was going to be really hard to fight against it. I also knew it was going to really hurt me to be his friend..
I was just really hoping that I'd eventually get used to being just his friend...
Anyway, I got out of bed and went to my closet to get dressed.
I put on a white cropped t-shirt with some grey sweatpants. I put my hair half up half down, brushed my teeth, then went to school.
Once I got there, I headed up to my chemistry class. I walked into my room and took my regular seat. Jack showed up a minute later, taking the seat beside mine. Both of us greeted each other with smiles.
Sadly, our teacher was no longer giving us time in class to work on our assignments. So our grade for this literally depended on Jack and I working on it after school which sucked.
Jackson's P.O.V...
Once first period ended, I said goodbye to Roni then headed to English class. At this point, I honestly felt like dropping this freaking class, even though it was a requirement. I hated English and on top of that, Ema was there to make it even more painful for me to sit there.
So I walked there and just as I was about to walk into the room, I heard, "Jack." as I also felt a hand wrap around my wrist. I turned around and immediately felt the need to face palm when I saw Ema. I was quick to get my wrist out of her grip though.
"Ema, you seriously need to fuck off." I told her firmly, putting a bit of emphasis on the curse word. "Let's make a deal." She said with a smile, disregarding what I said. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?" I said, clearly confused. "Wanna hear it?" She asked me, her smile turning into a partial smirk. "Do I have a choice..?" I sighed. "Nope." She said quickly. I rolled my eyes.
"Go on ONE date with me--" Right after hearing this, I immediately cut her off. "No." I said bluntly, crossing my arms. "Listen!" She said, sighing. "Go on ONE date with me. If it works out and you find your feelings for me again, great, we'll move forward from there. If it doesn't work out, I'll leave you alone and stop trying to win you back." She explained, also crossing her arms. "Seriously? You're that desperate?" I said, raising an eyebrow. "Whatever! Will you do it or not?" She said back quickly.
I really would love for Ema to finally leave me alone... But I REALLY didn't want to go on a date with her.. I did know for a fact that the date wouldn't work out though which would mean she'd actually have to leave me alone. So I guess it was worth it for that.
"Ok, I guess.." I sighed. "Great! One thing though." She said happily. "What is it?" I asked her. "You have to put effort into the date. Like you can't just go with a mindset that it won't work out. Got it?" She explained. Seriously..? "Fine, whatever.." I reluctantly agreed.
"Great. How about you come over to my house for dinner tomorrow? Let's say 5:00?" Ema suggested. "Alright, that works." I answered. Roni and I were planning on meeting up for the assignment at 7 anyway and I strongly doubted I'd be at Ema's for loners than an hour and a half.
After all that, both of us walked into the classroom and sat at our own tables.
Lunch...(Veronica's P.O.V)
Lucas had texted me earlier saying he wanted to chill during lunch today and I was completely down for it.
So I left class and before going to the cafeteria, I quickly headed to my locker to switch out my binders. But after I finished with that, I walked to the cafeteria and took a seat at an empty table.
Lucas showed up two minutes later and we greeted each other as he sat across from me. We made small talk for about a minute before he changed the topic.
"So, there was actually a specific reason why I wanted to hang out today.. I wanna tell you something." Lucas told me, seeming a little bit nervous. "Ok, what is it?" I asked him with a smile before beginning to drink from my water bottle.
"I believe Jack's story." Lucas said bluntly. I almost choked on the water I was drinking as I heard this but luckily I was able to swallow it. I put my water bottle down, coughing a little bit as my eyes widened. "Why?!" I asked him, completely shocked as my eyebrows furrowed.
"Think about it. Ema's done something pretty similar to this before with me, remember? She made it look like you cheated on him. So I definitely don't doubt that she would do this too." He explained to me, leaning back in his seat. "So you're on his side..?" I crossed my arms, raising a brow.
"Well I mean.. Well when you put it that way it makes me sound bad!" He said quickly in a defensive way. It made me a little mad at myself that I laughed a little bit. "That's 'cause it is bad! Lucas!" I whined.
"It's just because I've been on Ema's side of everything, you know? So I kind of know her way around things like this.. And I can definitely see her doing this." He told me, his voice more calm. "Alright.. I understand that I guess. But at the same time, you didn't experience what I did when I found out. So honestly, I don't think I can agree with you in regards to you being on his side." I told him, my voice also calm and not angry or anything. "I get that. I wasn't going to try and force you to be on Jack's side or anything, of course. I just thought you should know what I've been thinking." He explained with a small smile. "Well, thanks then." I smiled a bit as well.
"So.. you're not mad at me or anything then?" He asked me, a tiny bit awkwardly. "No, I'm fine. You're entitled to your own opinion anyway." I assured him. "Ok good. That's what I was most worried about.." He said, sighing. Both of us chuckled.
That Evening...
Once it was close to the time that I had to go over to Jack's house, I decided to change into more comfortable clothes. I changed out of my t-shirt and into an oversized blue sweatshirt. I also took down my hair from it's half ponytail.
After changing and packing a mini backpack, I went over to Jack's house. Once I got there, I rang the doorbell. A couple seconds later, the door opened, reveling Jack. Both of us smiled as we saw each other.
"Hey, come in." Jack said, still smiling as he stepped aside. "Hey." I said back, walking inside.
After getting my shoes off and what not, Jack and I went to his living room. We sat beside each other on one of the couches and got out our work.
We got to work right away. But we had a lot of side conversation, not relating to school. WAY more than we did yesterday. It was nice, but again, the more we talked normally, the more my heart began hurting. My heart still loved him as more than a friend so being only his friend was really hard...
But again, it was better than being nothing at all, I suppose...

You're My Forever
Roman d'amour"I really.. really want to kiss you..." He leaned in even closer. I wouldn't want anything more right now either.. "So then kiss me..." My heartbeat started quickening as his lips inched even closer to mine. By now, they were two centimetres apar...